Chapter 5: A Murder?!?

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The next day you get ready for another day at the office.

Problem be it as you walk the new paper stand boy started to yell which caught your eye.

"EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT, MERLIN ACME FOUND DEAD IN HER APARTMENT." yells the boy in overalls dirt face waving a new paper in the air.

"what," you say in shock grabbing a copy of the new paper.

"HEY, YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT" the boy yells to you upon you grabbing the new paper.

"Yeah yeah, here put a sock in it will y'all," you say rolling your eyes at the boy's statement and throwing him a penny in the air.

The boy happy doesn't make a statement to you having the paper now.

As you get onto the Trolly almost missing it you quickly flip through the paper.

"let's see, Ha there it is-" you say out loud thinking which causes some onlookers to look at you funny. Maybe cause to them you acting too weird unlike the normal lady but you don't care.

You started to read the murder which explains what the police think happened.

Merlin Acme age 23, sex female, was found dead in her father's major Marvin Acme factory with a large safe crushing her head. Due to information from the Police, it is believed it was a murder. Currently, the police from the public request that if anyone knows the whereabouts of the Toon character Roga Rabbit located must immediately inform the police.

"Huh, why are they looking into Roga?" You say looking up quickly seeing it's your stop so you quickly get up to get off the trolly.

As you quickly walk into the building where Eddie's office is you read and walk to see why the police are looking into Roga.

You turn the paper to see the reason why police are looking into Roga is due to witnesses placing her last seen there where the Viticim was at. Due to this factor, people know of the secret relationship between Ms. Acme and Jesse Rabbit police believe that Roga kills Ms. Acme as payback for stealing Ms. Rabbit Husband. So if you the public know where Roga Rabbit is located please get in contact with the police.

You slowly put down the new paper and folded it back up.

"wow I can't believe it," you say getting to Eddie's door finally.

As you sign, you started to take out your key copy to the door to open it.

As you walk inside you see that Eddie is passed out on his desk. You walk over to look at both his and his late brother's desk next together.

Eddie offers to use his brother's desk but you refuse. You don't want it more with the factor you want Eddie to at least have something of his brothers kept as is.

As you get into the pull-out fold desk you keep out of the way in a corner you hear a DOOM noise.

"What was that?" You say quickly jumping up to the sound and looking to where the noise came from.

You then look over to Eddie and see he is still asleep.

You again turn over to look at the source of the noise and took one step toward it. You again hear another noise and then quickly runs over to where Eddie is at.

You shake Eddie while saying "Eddie get up," trying to wake him up.

Eddie snorts stops and he slowly comes to "What is it Y/N" he says.

"Eddie thank God you're up, listen theirs is a strange noise coming from your apartment and I need you to check it out," you say quickly with fear in your voice pointing to where the noise came from.

"Listen here Y/N I may have been drinking but I am not drunk to believ-" Eddie stops at the sound of the loud DOOM noise that happened again.

Now he and you both look in the direction of the noise.

"See I told y'all I wasn't crazy," you say crossing your arms.

"Wait here" Eddie simply says getting up and going to the noise source. As he gets closer he finds that the noise is coming from a box.

He opened it only to stumble backward yelling in fear dropping the box to reveal that the noise was coming from a toon and not just any toon from Roga Rabbit.

"ROGA RABBIT" you yell with a bit of Shock and relief.

"Oops," Roga says starting to stand up with an embarrassed face.

"Jesus what the hell is this toon doing here?!?" Eddie says standing up now mad at Roga.

"More importantly Roga, did you kill the major daughter Merlin Acme?" you asked in a firm tone of voice.

"HUH? she's dead, oh no, no, no I swear I didn't do it," Roga says swinging her arms in the air in defense.

"wait murder?" Eddie asks both confused and also firm.

"then where you went after getting drunk and flying out of Mr. Maroon's office?" you asked next getting closer.

"oh well I woke up at B factory, in a bunch of boxes on top of each other," Roga says.

You look at her not knowing if you should believe her or not before saying "is that so?"

"Hey now you got to believe me, I was upset sure at my Jesse bestie but I wasn't mad to want to cause death to another person. If anything J would have stayed with Jesse and worked things out with him" Roga says in a sad yet pleading voice.

"I think it's best to turn her in," Eddie says starting to get to the door.

"Noooo" Roga says running to Eddie and grabbing onto his wrist.

"the hell," Eddie says trying to pull Roga away from his arm to see that now both of them are wearing a pair of handcuffs.

Eddie with clear anger on his face was gonna grab the rabbit by her ears but Roga quickly bends back a bit.

"hey now don't be too rough now with my ears," Roga says with a shy smile.

"I will-"

"EDDIE" you yelled at him to get his attention to not hurt Roga.

As much as you don't believe in Roga's Story you don't want Eddie to hurt anyone even toons.

"Roga why are you going this far?" You says looking at Roga.

"Well I don't want y'all to report me to the Police but I came here because I want y'all to help clear my name now," Roga says in a pleading voice.

"Well I don't help toons not anymore," Eddie says in a bit of an angry sad tone.

"But I am innocent," Roga says with teary eyes.

"Listen here where are the damn keys," Eddie says to Roga who looks around confused.

"Oh right the keys," Roga says a bit nervous.

"what happened to the keys Roga," I say raising an eyebrow.

Roga stays silent before saying "I lost it"

"You what?!?" Eddie says now even angrier.

Who Frame Roga Rabbit? (male) Jessica Rabbit x readerWhere stories live. Discover now