Chapter 9: Judge Doom?!?

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As the man who is now referred to as Judge Doom walks into the bar as if he owns the place, you can't help but side-eyed him.

"I am sorry, you are here to look for who?" Dolores asked Judge Doom who is now turning to Dolores with a smile.

"I am here to look for a Bunny, one with long floppy ears, and white fur wearing a pair of red dresses overall, and her name is Roga Rabbit," Judge Doom says gripping his cane while speaking.

"I am sorry but no toon who looks like that came by here, well at all to this bar," Dolores says placing a cup down after wiping it with a rag.

"ah as you see I have a little method of how to sort out if a toon is hiding," Judge Doom says with one hand in the air snapping his fingers.

Doing this two men comes into the room, maybe they are policemen as they are wearing a uniform, but even so, they are carrying a record player.

"What is that for?" you say finally waiting back watching but cannot no more after the bar becomes too silent at the feeling of unease in the room.

"oh glad you asked," Judge Doom says now walking near the record player and holding up a record CD in the air.

"This is a CD that plays a tune where a Toon character cannot help but dance too," Judge Doom says to answer your question.

"Sir I don't think that will be ok to do in a public bar filled with people here trying to drink, " Dolores says now walking to the man named Judge Doom.

"Here's a thing, I am here trusted by the police to find any toons who will murder any human or cause any type of crime. So if I play the tune and no toon is coming out then I will be on my way but of course if I do find a toon here one of which is named Roga Rabbit then..." Judge Doom says trailing off his topic of talking again snapping his fingers.

When this happened another pair of police comes into the room holding a barrel of something.

Judge Doom uses his cane to crack open the barrel and with a pair of pliers as well as wearing thick rubber gloves is holding a Toon. The inside of the barrel is an almost glowing green chemical.

"Hey now, what are you gonna do to that poor toon?" You asked now worried for the Toon.

"Well, I am better to show you what can happen to a toon if they come into contact with this chemical," Judge Doom says placing the scared Toon into the chemical which to your eyes among others in the room sees the toon melting away.

With wide worried eyes, you look over to Dolores who is just as shocked at Judge Doom's cold action to just kill a toon in front of you.

"what the Hell did you just do to that poor toon?" You say standing up now getting closer to Judge Doom in a matter of you being angry.

"What is this thing that was created by a human and not an actual living thing? Nothing but I will tell you this is my little invention called The Dip. It is a mixture of turpentine, acetone, and benzine which all are types of Paint thinners that can get rid of any toon" Judge Doom says smiling looking fondly at his mixture of chemicals.

"so to prove a point you went off to kill an innocent toon in front of us?" You say with gritted teeth trying as to not yell at the man.

"That toon was never alive, so one cannot kill a toon, yet it is our responsibility as humans to hold toons responsible when they go and harm humans," Judge Doom says smirking taking off the gloves he used to kill the toon walking now back where the record was placed.

"Even if it was created by a human it had emotions and a life of its own," You say now almost yelling.

You feel a pair of hands placed ok your shoulders which causes you to look back to see Dolores is looking at you worried but it also clear she is pissed too.

"Y/N calm down" Dolores whispers into your ear.

"But he just murder a toon in front of us," You say back in an angry whisper but not at Dolores.

To be honest you are now also scared of him finding Roga Rabbit since it's clear he may kill her by adding her to the chemical rather than figuring out if she had killed Merlin Acme.

Looking back onto Judge Doom he again picks up a record and places it into the record player.

'Shit I have to stop this' You think to yourself which makes you think of a plan quickly.

"Wait before you play that, I may have some information on where you can find Roga Rabbit" you speak out clearly as a lie but in a matter so confident that it doesn't sound as if it's a lie.

"Oh, where would you think I would be able to find her?" Judge Doom asked you curious to stop playing the record.

"well you need to go there quickly sooner the better if I tell you, will you promise me that?" You say hoping if he does go you can go back and warn both Eddie and Roga to get the hell out of here.

Judge Doom stays silent for a while as if he is thinking about what to say until finally speaking "You have my word, now please do tell"

You smiled while saying "She is hiding last I heard in studio C aka the one studio Mr. Maroon never got to use yet. Rumor has it Mr. Maroon may be hiding her out there" You say with a cocky yet serious tone.

"Studio C? I never looked there could be possible" Judge Doom says in thought with causes you to turn slightly standing up and looking at him.

"Well, you better act fast to get there 'cause the other rumor is Roga planning to skip town with the help of Mr. Maroon maybe by air in a few hours," You say again to Judge Doom hoping he can leave now that maybe he bought your lie.

"With due all respect how would you know this?" Judge Doom says which causes you to jolt but not break your poker face yet.

"well You see I was hired by Mr. Maroon recently as a P.I. So I was hearing this as working with him," You say which wasnt untrue but didn't want to go into details.

"a P. I you a woman?" Judge Doom says as he doesn't believe you.

"me being a woman works out perfectly for what the client wants me to go out looking for since no one would expect a woman to do it," You say in a tone mixed with annoyance and cockyness.

"I see smart, yet what did Mr. Maroon give you a job on?" Judge Doom says now wondering why you were there.

"I am sorry but I cannot tell you that information now cause my contract says otherwise but I can say stuff that wasnt included in my job such as the rumor about where Roga is maybe at, but aye no need to believe me so do whatever you want," You say hoping he will leave.

Judge Doom stays silent for a few more minutes before snapping his fingers again causing the Policeman to come back into the bar.

"ok clean this up and quickly we need to hurry to Mr. Maroon's studios again to search," Judge Doom says leaving the room but not before he glances back at you with a face you can't tell what emotion it is, and then fully leaves the bar.

Who Frame Roga Rabbit? (male) Jessica Rabbit x readerWhere stories live. Discover now