Chapter 12: Daddy

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As you sit on Jesse's lap, some stuff starts to run onto your mind.

First 'Why did I have to do this?' you think to yourself.

Easy because you the decoy to distract Jesse and the cops looking for Roga so both she and Eddie can run out of town.

"oh, so you want me to fuck you for the information now?" Jesse says with a bit of a smug smile on his face.

One of which you don't know if you want to slap or kiss.

With a smile, you say "maybe I do maybe I don't" slowly picking up the glass of whiskey.

"Oh, are you trying to mess with me now Y/N?" Jesse says slightly frowning.

'is he disappointed?' you think to yourself before saying "want a sip of this drink?" placing the glass up to your lips before taking a drink.

Jesse now with an eyebrow raised as if he is now thinking. Slowly he brings his face closer to yours to say "I would love to have a drink right about now, But only if you bring the glass to my lips for me to drink it"

Your eyes bring a bit of shock but you quickly mask it with a smirk of amusement.

"I wonder who here is the one running things me or you?" you say bringing the drink to Jesse a bit.

But before Jesse takes a sip of your drink he says "of course, that would be you, now Boss"

With a Smirk on Jesse's face, he takes a drink from the glass, one of which had your lips on moments ago which caught your breath.

"Damn he is sexy," you say not knowing it came out your mouth a little too late.

Jesse then laughs a bit before saying "So you do find me sexy"

"Huh, I don't know what you mean now Jesse," you say caught red-handed but still needing to decline it.

"hm, I don't believe you," Jesse says as he grabs you by your waist to pull you even closer to his body.

For one thing, sure you can feel his firm muscular build underneath this shirt.

You gasp at the motion but still managed to say "Jesse the hell are you doing now?!"

"See the thing is I don't know why you're truly here, I have this idea your lying to me when you step into this room. But I thought to still entertain your idea now sweetheart, so spill it what's going on?" Jesse says with a smirk as he places his face close to your ear.

With a mix of panic and also almost horniess you say "T-the he'll are you talking about now? Last I check I came here to tell you where Roga may be located at"

"if that was true you would have told me long ago, instead of trying to play with me now," Jesse says a bit angry behind his words to you.

"I-" you say but quickly bite your lip to shut up on what you were going to say about the plan that you, Eddie, and Roga all made.

Thinking quickly you say "If you want any information about Roga's whereabouts you're going to have to fuck me, Jesse!"

'damn there goes my dignity' you think to yourself as you waited to hear what Jesse wants.

"Oh so you do want sex as payment for any information on my wife Roga...?" Jesse says sounding more like he is skeptical.

"yeah that's right, but I will give you the information now if I allow you and me to have sex since you know you killed my mood a bit, mph," you say now sounding cocky to Jesse.

"and if I refuse?" Jesse says now laying back into the chair you and him are sitting in still, more like you have been on his lap all this time as he was in the chair.

"do you have any leads to where Roga maybe?" you asked Jesse with an even cockier tone of voice as you saw his face look at you with an 'ok your right about that' look.

"I thought so," you say starting to stand up off his lap and then sit on the bed in the room.

"How would you like it?" Jesse asked you as he started to stand up himself.

"how would I like what?" you asked him in return confused by his question.

"How would you like to be fucked of course I am asking?" Jesse says picking up your chin as he stands in front of you.

"What...?" you say blushing.

"I can play the part of the bitch, or the dom, of course, I can be your prince for tonight if that's what you want, tell me and I will make sure to please you in that style," Jesse says with a cheeky smile.

Before you can stop yourself from the regretful words that you know come out of your mouth and you said: "what about a daddy type?"

'shit why I had to say that?' you think to yourself turning your face away from Jesse to cover a bit of your blush-filled cheeks.

"oh you are a daddy's girl now aren't you?" Jesse says with amusement as if he found out about something of you that you were hiding.

"That's not- I mean- what I am trying to say- UGH, let's pretend like you didn't hear me now," You said turning away from Jesse feeling quite embarrassed.

"oh a brat aren't you now sweetheart, guess daddy here needs to discipline you now as punishment," Jesse says now pushing you down onto the bed with him on top of you.

At that moment you thought about how to get back at Eddie and Roga.


Author notes:

You see I am currently taking classes at college, so I am busy as of late so I will like to say I am sorry for taking a bit of time to have these chapters coming out.

Thank you for reading.

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