Chapter 6: Hip-Hop The Bunny Here

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Eddie went off to go and find a way to hide Roga Rabbit after The Weasels came by looking for her.

The Weasels is a gang of Toon mafia characters who works from ToonTown in the real world to find toons for people and get rid of them.

Eddie had a hard time trying to hide Roga Rabbit first in his suit, then in his sink, and after in his drawer when the Toon mafia came looking for her at his office.

Eddie went to the bar where Dolores works as a server.

As you were the one in the office by yourself you started to look through the paperwork to see if there was any truth that Roga was innocent.

You snapped out of your train of thought as you heard a knock on the door, causing you to look up.

You sign getting up to yell "One second."

As you walked to the door to open it you started to say "Sorry about the wait how ca-"

You stopped as you look at the person who is now standing in front of you. Rather the Toon who is standing in front of you.

"Jesse Rabbit?" you say in confusion.

"hello there Ms?"  Jesse says walking into the office and past you.

"it's L/N, but I prefer when I am on the job to be called Y/N," you say firmly to the fact you were just pushed to the side.

Jesse's looks don't turn to look at you saying "Where is your boss at?"

"Eddie? He went out to do some important work-related stuff" you say in an even tone closing the door again beside you.

Jesse scoffs at you before saying "important huh? Lemme guess going to the bar getting drunk."

With not much energy to not curse out this man, you say "is there anything you need him to help with, I can also do the job" with a smile.

Jesse turned to look at you before saying "I remembered you"

Your eyes for a second looked panicked before quickly clam before you say "you remembered me? Silly one" ending it with a laugh.

"on the contrary, I do remember you at the ink and painters bar, not many women pulled away from me being flirty with them you see," Jesse says smirking and looking around.

You blush quickly before saying "I-I think you have me confused"

"Ah, there it is," Jesse says walking over to Eddie's bar.

"Hey now that's Eddie's," You say walking to the bar and trying to take the glass out of Jesse's hand.

He quickly pulls it back before you can grab it with amusement on his face he says "And?"

You backed up a bit feeling a deeper blush forming on your face.

"I thought so," Jesse says pouring a glass of whiskey.

'what is he up to?' you think to yourself looking at him slowly getting pissed off a bit.

Jesse looks at you and smirks before placing the glass to his lips but before he drinks he turns to you slightly to ask "looking at me with those eyes, hun, lemme guess you want a drink too?"

"like hell, I want one with you," you say turning on your heels and walking back to the desk. Seeing that you forgot to put away one photo that being of the steamy night of Merlin and Jesse upon having a guest causing you to as quickly as you can put away files.

You grab the photo and started to open the desk but stop when you heard "what do you have there?" over your shoulder.

You turned to face very close to Jesse holding the photo behind your back to say "Nothing of your concerns"

"huh, is that so," Jesse asks leaning closer to your face.

"Y-yes of course," you say firmly.

"Funny how you say that hun, 'cause looks like a photo of me naked in bed with Merlin," Jesse says smirking.

'damn it he caught me' you think to yourself smacking your teeth.

"Funny how a trip to Mr. Maroon's office with a talk to him about what's going on with my wife led me back here with the information he said," Jesse says placing the glass down onto the desk which causes him to become closer to you.

"damn that's no good snitch," you say with a mix of anger and butterflies at having Jesse so close to you.

"I am here to know where my wife is," Jesse says.

"Huh? How would you think I know where she is?" you say in a defensive tone.

"Listen I know my wife and I know she would have camcomere if it means to help clear her name without me in the way, so I am asking this to you Hun where is my wife?" Jesse says in a firm tone now.

"how about you stop calling me Hun, oh wait for a playboy like you will not, cause you think a woman like me will be wrapped around your finger well you have another thing coming. Another thing I don't know where your wife is and even if I did why would I tell you where she at After all your cheating on her is what hurt her" You say in a firm pissed tone to Jesse.

"I had my reasons," Jesse says in a sheepish tone.

"did you know, oh please enlighten me oh good sir," you say in a rude sarcastic tone with hand ensure out as if you're telling him to keep on explaining?

"you don't have to believe me when I say I did it to help my wife out," Jesse says in a bit of an annoyed tone to your reaction.

"so you went and stick your dick into another woman?" you say rolling your eyes.

"my wife and I are broke so I had to do what I needed to do to help her have a roof over her head and food in her stomach," Jesse says in a pissed-off tone.

"wait broke? Isn't Roga making big money for the both of y'all?" you asked confused.

"she maybe is an Actress but she isn't a top actress rather the company is paying her peanuts, so I her husband went out to do things to keep her with a roof over her head as she keeps her dreams," Jesse says to your response.

"wow never thought it like that before huh," you say now in thought before again saying "guess the playboy role was there cause you were sleeping around for money"

"I didn't ask to be drawn this bad now Hun, but one thing is for sure- " Jesse says moving closer to your face.

"And that is," you say blushing on your face.

"I will do anything if it means I help my wife, so if that means flirting with you and playing the same game of pattycake I did to Merlin in the bed with you to see and help my wife again I will do that," Jesse says slowly wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you close to him which now forced you to stay even closer to him.

Who Frame Roga Rabbit? (male) Jessica Rabbit x readerWhere stories live. Discover now