Chapter 10: Plan B

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After Judge Doom leaves the room you ran back to the room where Eddie and Roga were in.

Opened the door Roga is sitting on Eddie's lap and your face twists into one of disgust.

"Oh Y/N your back here," Roga said in a statement rather than a question, with a face of confusion.

"Oh yeah, Bad news" You start to say and explain what just happened.

After you explain what happened both Roga and Eddie are looking worried in fear.

"Judge Doom, what the hell is wrong with that man?!?" Eddie asked getting up from the floor with Roga's hand still in the cuff from earlier.

"Seems like Mr. Doom is out to get Roga regardless if she killed Merlin or not to him, cause his mind is made up he wants to kill Roga himself."  You say lost in thought thinking.

As this happened Roga takes out a set of keys and unlocked the cuff, on her end rubbing her wrist.

"question is why he would want to?" You say not going to question why the hell Roga had the keys this whole time only because your gonna put it off to being 'Toon logic'.

Toon logic = Everything in the real world that cannot happen can happen in the Toon world.

"it's clear why the man is just mad," Eddie says taking the set of keys from Roga and taking the cuff off his wrist.

"Oh I know he is crazy, yet it bugging me for some reason like theirs more to the story of why he wants to get rid of Roga," You say turning your eyes onto Roga.

"Oh, why are you giving me that look now Y/N?" Roga asked in a cute yet nervous tone of voice.

"Roga are you sure you don't know anything about this?" You asked Roga who in a fast cartoon speedy motion moved her head into a No sign.

You gave her a look of not sure if she telling you the truth.

"I swear I don't know who the Fella is, I just learn of his name today, yet one thing is scary how he knows toons so well," Roga says in response holding her hands up in defense.

"you feel that too huh?" You say now looking down again thinking.

"you think he had something to do with Merlin's murder?" Eddie asked you while he looks like he is thinking too.

"possible but not sure yet," You say running your fingers into your H/C hair.

"one thing is for sure with Judge of death Doom around we need a new plan one of which gets Roga hell out of town quickly," You say now serious

"oh that's true, yet even if we do not know if she will be safe," Eddie says in reply to your statement.

"Plus I am too scared to go by myself, and I wouldn't want to get anyone hurt because of me," Roga says in a sad tone.

"well you need to leave by today I may have thrown Judge off of Roga but it's a matter of time before he comes back here so Roga needs to leave now," You say standing up.

"and how do you think we can go about this plan?" Eddie asked you in an equally serious tone of voice.

"Well, the first thing is she can't leave by air now, since Judge Doom I feel like gonna be looking out for her by any aircraft now. So the best thing to use now is a car or water." You say to Eddie who looks at you nodding in agreement.

"ah yes make sense to go by car or sea now, but question be it which would be faster?" Eddie asks you again.

As you think you then say "Car since to be honest he may be guessing that she wouldn't be that bold to go by car in fear of being caught meaning a boat he can be motoring to make sure she is also going to get onto one as a stray away"

"Hmm smart, but we need a fast car now huh," Eddie says in response.

"Well maybe I can be of help with that one tehtehe," Roga says with a nervous giggle.

"How so Roga hun-bun?" Eddie says with a sweet gentle tone to Roga.

'Hun-Bun for the love of God I'm going to be sick' you think to yourself quickly before looking over to Roga.

Roga's ears flopped down before she says "Maybe it's a bad idea but we can ask Benny"

"Benny? As in Benny the Cab?" You asked Roga who looks at you smiling sheepishly.

"well he does owe me a favor," Eddie says in response.

"a favor for what now?" You asked Eddie.

"don't worry about that now, just know he does and the fact is he will help us," Eddie says to you.

"I see, well after You get to contact him we need a distraction," you say changing the subject more to keep the plan going.

"Oh, how I am sad to miss this part of the plan 'cause I am leaving, " Roga says in a pouty tone.

"Don't be Roga since this is where I come along, more like I am going to be needing to use as much as I hate this Your husband Jesse Rabbit," You say in a grim tone of voice.

"Wait why do you need to bring Jesse into this?" Roga asked in a bit of a defensive tone.

You sign before saying "cause they are most likely Following him cause you both are married, and cause he is also looking for you I am going to have to use methods for both him and whoever following him to not find you as you are leaving" You say in response.

"you mean we are leaving," Eddie says standing up and pulling Roga to his side in a couple of embraces.

"Oh, Eddie" Roga says with blush colored onto her cheeks.

You had to stop yourself from yelling 'get a room' and throwing up from this scene.

"but I am curious as to how your gonna keep that playboy bunny from finding Roga during our Escape," Eddie says in a curious tone.

You smiled at Eddie before using his own words against him right into his face you say "Dont worry about it now Eddie"


Author notes:

Currently in college now taking classes and stuck doing work so chapters are going to be coming slower than usual. So sorry as ahead of time.

H/C = hair color.

Thank you for reading.

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