Mentor introduction

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??? (???) : Hello, fearnots! 

??? (???) : We had a lot of debate as to who the official host, or MC, of this show would be, but in the end, we chose me! And who am I...

??? (???) : We had a lot of debate as to who the official host, or MC, of this show would be, but in the end, we chose me! And who am I

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Chaewon (Host 💚): I'm Chaewon, and I'm the host of Fearlessness 101!

Chaewon (Host 💚): Now, the other girls of Lesserafim will be the mentors for the show!

Chaewon (Host 💚): Now this member is known for her vocals!

Chaewon (Host 💚): I'm sure you've figured it out just by that! It's...

Yunjin (Vocal mentor 💙): Hi, I'm Yunjin of Lesserafim, and I'll be the vocal mentor for this show! I look forward to meeting all the vocalists on this show!

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Yunjin (Vocal mentor 💙): Hi, I'm Yunjin of Lesserafim, and I'll be the vocal mentor for this show! I look forward to meeting all the vocalists on this show!

Chaewon (Host 💚): Oh, that's right? Aren't we the vocal duo?

Yunjin (Vocal mentor 💙): Totally!

They both strike a pose before
Chaewon turns back to the
camera and continues narrating

Chaewon (Host 💚): We had a lot of discussion as to who the dance mentor should be, since Lesserafim is filled with amazing dancers-

Yunjin (Vocal mentor 💙): Smooth promotion

Chaewon laughs

Chaewon (Host 💚): What, it's true?

Yunjin (Vocal mentor 💙): I never said it wasn't!

Chaewon (Host 💚): Anyway, your dance mentor will be...

Eunchae (Dance mentor 💛): Hello, I'm Eunchae, Lesserafims Lead Dancer and adorable maknae!

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Eunchae (Dance mentor 💛): Hello, I'm Eunchae, Lesserafims Lead Dancer and adorable maknae!

Chaewon (Host 💚): Are you looking forward to being a dance mentor

Eunchae (Dance mentor 💛): Of course! I'm sure you all will be great dancers!

Chaewon (Host 💚): Of course you will! Now, shall we move on to our rap mentor?

Eunchae (Dance mentor 💛): Yup!

Chaewon (Host 💚): Now, even if three of us weren't already up here, I'm sure you'd know who it is! So let's introduce her! It's...

Chaewon (Host 💚): Now, even if three of us weren't already up here, I'm sure you'd know who it is! So let's introduce her! It's

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Kazuha (Rap mentor 🧡): Hello, I'm Kazuha of Lesserafim! I'm going to be your rap mentor - I'm super excited!

Chaewon (Host 💚): Welcome, Kazuha! Now, there's only one more girl left, should be greet her...

Chaewon (Host 💚): Come out!

Sakura (??? 💜): Hey, fearnots!

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Sakura (??? 💜): Hey, fearnots!

Chaewon (Host 💚): Come on, Kkura, tell them about how cool your role is

Sakura (??? 💜): Well, we thought a lot about it, and we decided that the best way I could help trainees by being a stage presence mentor!

Eunchae (Dance mentor 💛): Isn't that cool?

Sakura (Stage Presence Mentor 💜): I-I guess....

Chaewon (Host 💚): Well, now that you've seen everybody, are you ready to apply?

Kazuha (Rap mentor 🧡): And you better apply quick, because there's only 25 spots!

Yunjin (Vocal mentor 💙): Are you ready....

Lesserafim: Go!

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