Episode 4, Part 2

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Chaewon (Host 💚): Welcome back to Fearlessness 101! Today, we will be announcing the Top 5, our Class A, the ones who are currently most likely to be the debut lineup!

Eunchae (Dance 💛): In 5th place, we have a top 5 repeater, which makes sense, because with every performance, she delivers impeccable dance, vocals, stage presence, and confidence. I'm sure we can all tell by now that the 5th place girl is...

Eunchae (Dance 💛): Yoonah Kim!

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Yoonah Kim (Contestant 🖤): 5th place again! Wow! That's amazing! That being said, I'd like to aim for an even higher position next time. Not that I want to steal anyone's position or anything, but I think it only goes up from here! This has been Yoonah Kim, thank you!

She bounces up to the 5th place seat and plops into it

Kazuha (Dance Mentor 🧡): Next is someone who's always impressed the public, especially with her dancing skills. She has an elegant style that perfectly suits our songs. And with her compassionate personality, I think nobody is surprised that our 4th place member is...

Kazuha (Dance Mentor 🧡): Rosetta Lilianne Park!

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Rosetta Lilianne Park (Contestant 🖤): Even though I dropped down a spot, I'm still so unbelievably grateful for all of the support I've been getting and I have no idea how it's happened. I won't take this spot for granted and I'll do my best to prove I deserve it. 

She goes up to the 4th place spot and Yoonah gives her an encouraging cheer

Yunjin (Vocal Mentor 💙): Well, next up we have someone who's new to the Top 5, who has brightened the show with her cheerful energy, and brightened the stage with her magnetic stage performance and rapping. In 3rd place, we have...

Yunjin (Vocal Mentor 💙): Lee Joo-Mi!

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Lee Joo-Mi (Contestant 🖤): Aaaaaaaaaaaah! Third place! This is crazy! I really can't believe that you guys would actually vote for me this much! I'll continue to give my everything in the next round, see you guys there!

Joo-Mi is still shocked and excited as she runs up to the 3rd place spot. Yoonah offers her hand for a high-five (Which Joo-Mi excitedly takes) and Rose claps and smiles as she sits in the seat.

Chaewon (Host 💚): Climbing up to 2nd, we have someone who is among the best vocalists and performers on this show. She always gets praised for her performances, and also, apparently, she's really good at playing Mafia! I'm sure you guys know who it is, it's...

Chaewon (Host 💚): Tamakura Ayana!

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Tamakura Ayana (Contestant 🖤): This is...beyond what I ever expected. 2nd place? I thought I was going to be in Class C again! I didn't prepare a speech or anything...I'll thank the people on the Impurities team for helping me put on an amazing performance. I won't take this spot for granted, I promise, and I'll continue working hard again in the upcoming mission.

She runs up to the 2nd place seat and observes the view from up so high

Sakura (Stage Presence Mentor 💜): Well, we've finally come to first place. The top contestant, the one most likely to make it to the final lineup, the place where every trainee wants to be. But this girl has come out on top. And with her skill in rapping and dancing, I'm sure it comes as no shock that our first place winner is...

Sakura (Stage Presence Mentor 💜): Hwang Haneul! Congrats!

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Hwang Haneul (Contestant 🖤): Wow, first twice in a row. That's amazing. I don't think you guys will ever understand how much this means to me. I'm honestly not 100% sure how I managed to secure this spot. I feel like there are a lot of girls here that are better than me. But since you gave me this honor, I'll try to get better so that I can truly deserve it. Thank you.

Everyone cheers for Haneul as she returns to the top seat.

If that's the top 5....then who's in the elimination pool?

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