Episode 5, Part 3

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Chaewon (Host 💚): Well, what are we doing today? Are you ready for Lesserafim's very own sports day?

The Trainees all cheer, being revealed behind Chaewon on a large field, on a bright sunny day

Eunchae (Dance Mentor 💛): The first thing we need to do is pick the teams!

Kazuha (Rap Mentor 🧡): Each Lesserafim member will have a team of 3 members! And you guys get to decide whose team you want to be on!

Yunjin (Vocal Mentor 💙): Are you ready...get set...go!

All of the girls rush for the chance to work with their bias, and most of them get their wish. The teams end up looking like this:

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Yunjin (Vocal Mentor 💙): I think my team is gonna win this!

Sakura (Stage Presence 💜): There will be three events: The Race, The Jump Roping Contest, and The Dance Battle.

Chaewon (Host 💚): So, pick who wants to do each event!

There's whispering among the teams, and eventually each team nods that they know which member is doing which event

Eunchae (Dance Mentor 💛): We're starting with the race, who will be going for this?

Kyung-Hee steps forward for Sakura's team, Vivian for Chaewon's team, Saho for Yunjin's team, Joo-Mi for Kazuha's team, and A-Yeong for Eunchae's team. The track is circular and the members are lined up at a clearly marked "starting line", which will double as the finish line.

Sakura (Stage Presence Mentor 💜): 3, 2, 1.... Go!

The race starts, and while the 5 girls are relatively the same speed, Saho is noticeably pulling ahead. She ends up finishing first, Joo-Mi in second, A-Yeong in third, Kyung-Hee in fourth, and Vivian in fifth.

Uehara Saho (Contestant 🖤): I guess all of that morning jogging paid off!

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