Episode 5, Part 2

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Chaewon (Host 💚): Well, should we see how our 15 girls are doing? They're probably working hard at this very moment!

The camera switches to the No Celestial team...

Jeong Arie-Um (Contestant 🖤): We get to swear in this song!!

Kim Yoonah (Contestant 🖤): Whooooo!!!

Yoshiko Arim (Contestant 🖤): This should be fun

Lee Joo-Mi (Contestant 🖤): It will be!

Hwang Haneul (Contestant 🖤): Guys, it's not that big of a deal, they'll probably censor it anyway.

Jeong Arie-Um (Contestant 🖤): Aww, come on. You're ruining our fun

Rosetta Lilianne Park (Contestant 🖤): But who's gonna get the part?

Kim Yoonah (Contestant 🖤): I think you should do it, Rosie.

Rosetta Lilianne Park (Contestant 🖤): M-me? Shouldn't you do it? It kinda sounds like you want to-

Kim Yoonah (Contestant 🖤): Oh, I'm definitely doing it. If I'm the center, that's a killing part, and it makes sense that I take it. But I don't have to do all three, and it's cool to have a switch up for the final chorus, and you're one of the more vocally capable members in our group.

Rosetta Lilianne Park (Contestant 🖤): We said that you, me, and Arie are singing the chorus, right? Why can't Arie do it?

Jeong Arie-Um (Contestant 🖤): Vote to make Rose do the swearing part in the last chorus?

Everybody raises their hands, except Rose

Rosetta Lilianne Park (Contestant 🖤): Are we really doing this?

Yoonah grins

Yoonah Kim (Contestant 🖤): We are.

Rosetta Lilianne Park (Contestant 🖤): Fine, you guys win.

Melodina (Contestant 🖤): I don't think I've ever heard Rose say anything even close to a swear word before.

Kyung-Hee Kang (Contestant 🖤): Same.

Hwang Haneul (Contestant 🖤): Guys, lets get back to distributing...

Meanwhile, in the Great Mermaid Team, the girls are running through their performance, but there are some issues.

Specifically, Hinata and Na-Bi keep missing cues, singing off beat, or forgetting lyrics. The others step in to help, but you can see that they're slowly getting frustrated with the lack of improvement. 

Tamakura Ayana (Contestant 🖤): And you're sure you guys are good?

Choi Na-Bi (Contestant 🖤): Yup. Fine.

Fujiwara Hinata (Contestant 🖤): It's just a lot of pressure, you know, with almost getting eliminated and all...

Choi Na-Bi (Contestant 🖤): Yeah, you wouldn't get it.

Miok enters the conversation with an annoyed expression on her face.

Dan Miok (Contestant 🖤): Yes we would, actually

Lee A-Yeong (Contestant 🖤): Miok, maybe you should-

Dan Miok (Contestant 🖤): Have you forgotten about me or Saho? We were both in Class D last time, which are lower ranks than either of you. Or A-Yeong, who was in Class F the first ranking. And yet, we haven't given up. I don't even want to be in the vocal team, yet I keep practicing my lines. 

At the mention of her name, Saho, who is practicing her lines in a corner, turns around in confusion

Dan Miok (Contestant 🖤): And yes, we all noticed. I'm sure you appreciated how everyone else looked the other way while you guys were doing nothing while we were supposed to be practicing our lines. And we even pretended like we didn't know why you two were struggling during rehearsal. 

Dan Miok (Contestant 🖤): I would feel sorry for you if it was just you two being stressed out about the eliminations. Or if you were just struggling with the song. But you aren't even really trying. And if our performance epically fails, it will be because of you. I'm done with this.

She turns and walks out of the room. Na-Bi and Hinata just sort of stare in shock.

The scene cuts to Vivian and Miok together in a smaller practice room.

Dan Miok (Contestant 🖤): Do you think I went too far?

Yoo Vivian (Contestant 🖤): ...Maybe, but they needed to hear it.

Dan Miok (Contestant 🖤): I'm sorry, I just have a thing where I tend to have no filter on what I say...

Yoo Vivian (Contestant 🖤): It's fine, it's fine, let's get back to practicing...

Chaewon (Host 💚): So, that's how our girls have been doing! Are you ready for this weeks special clip? It's a fun one!

A/N: Just adding that due to not wanting to confuse my brain, we are saying that this entire show aired before Easy released (That being said, you should go listen to Smart cuz it's really good-)

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