Episode 1, Part 3

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But before we see the performances...

The girls all filter out in a large room and sit in a circle. It's a day or two before the halfway evaluation, and the girls were called into this room without much explanation.

Lily Namakura (Contestant 🖤): What are we doing here?

Chaewon (Host 💚): Hello, girls!

The contestants yell back "HELLO!"

Sakura (Stage Presence Mentor 💜): So today we're going to be getting to know our fellow contestants, but in a fun way!

Yunjin (Vocal Mentor 💙): We're going to say the trivia, and if you think you know who it is, yell it out!

Kazuha (Rap Mentor 🧡): You'll be given a piece of paper so you know which trivia is yours!

Eunchae (Dance Mentor 💛): And we'll have a bonus round or two at the end!

Chaewon (Host 💚): So the for the first one, a couple people trained at other companies but only these 2 girls put it on their profile. Who do you think they are?

Everyone looks around, and nobody says anything

Eunchae (Dance Mentor 💛): Nobody? Aah, rough start I guess. Don't worry, some of the next ones will be easier! The answers were Minyoung and Joo-Mi!

Tamakura Ayana (Contestant 🖤): Wait, really Joo-mi?

Lee Joo-Mi (Contestant 🖤): Yup! I trained at Jellyfish entertainment....it was for 4 years, wasn't it? Dang, time really flies by. I've only been training here for a year. 

Kyung-Hee Kang (Contestant 🖤): But wait, didn't you only turn 19 a few days ago?

Lee Joo-Mi (Contestant 🖤): Yup!

Kyung-Hee Kang (Contestant 🖤): So that means...you started at Jellyfish when you were 14?

Lee Joo-Mi (Contestant 🖤): Yeah...

Tamakura Ayana (Contestant 🖤): Wow.

Lee Joo-Mi (Contestant 🖤): What about you, Minyoung?

Lee Minyoung (Contestant 🖤): Oh, I trained at Woolim. What's the next trivia?

Kazuha (Rap Mentor 🧡): Let's see the next one...This person says she's really good at skateboarding!

Jeong Arie-Um (Contestant 🖤): Oh, I know this one, it's Vivian!

Yoo Vivian (Contestant 🖤): Darn it, how did you know?

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