585 12 155

Username: (Delete my notes)
Password: (In the rules!)
Birth Name:
Preferred Name: (The name they'll be called on the show)
Birth Date:
Ethnicity: At least half of your face claims!

Blue Flame
Face Claim:
Backup Face Claim:
Personality: (At least 5 bullet points - be as descriptive as possible!)
Type of person she may befriend on the show:
Type of person she may not get along with on the show: (be more specific than 'rude people' please!)
Trivia: (At least 5 fun facts about your trainee!)
Lesserafim Bias:

The Great Mermaid
Training period: (Include if there are other companies)
Skill slot:
Backup skill slot:
Vocal claim: (Who they sound like when they sing/rap)
Skill points: (Max 33)
Vocal: /10
Dance: /10
Rap: /10
Stage Presence: /10
Leadership: /10
Total: /50 (Max 33)

Sour Grapes
Debut speech:
Elimination speech:
What they would say to convince Lesserafim to save them from elimination:
Scene recommendations for your trainee: (Optional)
Scene recommendations for the show in general: (Optional)
Group name recomendations:
Fandom name recomendations:
Anything else?: (Optional)

Blank form:


Submit here!

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