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Yoshiko Arim (Contestant 🖤): Whoa, how many cameras are in here?

She's looking around the dorm room, seeing how many cameras she can identify. The camera angle switches to see her looking at each one.

Yoshiko Arim (Contestant 🖤): Huh. Interesting.

She sits down and waits for the others to arrive.

Sora (Contestant 🖤): Hey, everyone! 

Sora (Contestant 🖤): Oh wait, there's only one person here. That's awkward. Uh, hi...what's your name?

Yoshiko Arim (Contestant 🖤): I'm Arim...and you are?

Sora (Contestant 🖤): I'm Sora, well technically my Korean name is Lee Suji but I prefer to go by Sora!

Yoshiko Arim (Contestant 🖤): Okay!

Sora (Contestant 🖤): So what position are you? I'm a vocalist and a dancer, but mostly a vocalist

Yoshiko Arim (Contestant 🖤): Cool, I'm a rapper.

Sora (Contestant 🖤): A rapper? That's cool! I'm okay at rapping, but not great, I bet you're really good!

Yoshiko Arim (Contestant 🖤): Thanks.

A few seconds later, another girl walks through the door

Min Yeong-Ja (Contestant 🖤): Hi guys, I'm Yeongja!

Sora (Contestant 🖤): Ooh, that's such a unique name!

Min Yeong-Ja (Contestant 🖤): Thank you! What's yours?

Sora (Contestant 🖤): I'm Sora, and this is Arim! Arim, right?

Yoshiko Arim (Contestant 🖤): Yup.

Min Yeong-Ja (Contestant 🖤): So where are you guys from? I'm Japanese but I've been living in Korea for a little bit

Sora (Contestant 🖤): I'm Japanese-Korean, I actually have my own Korean name as well!

Min Yeong-Ja (Contestant 🖤): Oh, that's cool!

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