Episode 8, Part 3

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Chaewon (Host 💚): What do you think we're doing here today, girls?

Yoshiko Arim (Contestant 🖤): Another finale mission???? 

Chaewon (Host 💚): Correct!

The girls expressions are hard to read. Frustration? Nervousness? Excitement? Tiredness? All 4 at once?

Sakura (Stage Presence Mentor 💜): What song do you think we'll be performing? Hint: It's a popular song of ours that hasn't been performed yet on this show.

The girls all yell out "ANTIFRAGILE!" at the same time

Yunjin (Vocal Mentor 💙): Yup, that's right. Our final finale performance will be an Antifragile stage with all 10 of you.

Lee Joo-Mi (Contestant 🖤): Ooh, all 10 of us? That sounds fun

Kazuha (Rap Mentor 🧡): The line distribution has already been created for you, so all you need to do is perform it!

Eunchae (Dance Mentor 💛): You girls already know the choreo right?

The girls all respond back with various versions of "Yes". For context, the Antifragile choreography was one of their audition requirements for Fearlessness.

Chaewon (Host 💚): Then you should be able to do this, easy peasy, as we say! Now, you may be wondering how we distributed the lines!

Yoonah Kim (Contestant 🖤): I really wasn't, but now I'm curious.

Sakura (Stage Presence Mentor 💜): Will our Class A step forward?

A-Yeong, Yoonah, Joo-Mi, Arie, and Ayana step forward, their faces full of anticipation.

Yunjin (Vocal Mentor 💙): So, we noticed while dividing up Antifragile, that if we give each girl two parts, there were a few left. And those lines will be going to you girls. 

Kazuha (Rap Mentor 🧡): But that's not all...could Tamakura Ayana, our first place winner, please step forward?

Tamakura Ayana steps forward one more time as instructed, looking confused

Eunchae (Dance Mentor 💛): Well, the bad news is that your third line in the song is shorter than your fellow Class A members

Tamakura Ayana (Contestant 🖤): Wait....huh?

Chaewon (Host 💚): But, the much more important, good news, is that you're the official center of Antifragile!

Sakura (Stage Presence Mentor 💜): You know how during the post-chorus of this song, all the members are singing together?

Yunjin (Vocal Mentor 💙): Yeah, in the original choreography, the person who's in the center during those parts is never the same.

Kazuha (Rap Mentor 🧡): But, in this performance, you're going to be in the center for all of them.

Eunchae (Dance Mentor 💛): That means starting center, ending center, and everything in between. It's a great advantage for someone who wants to show off their stage presence!

Tamakura Ayana (Contestant 🖤): Thank you! I won't let you down!

Chaewon (Host 💚): Well, shall we get to rehearsing?

The camera cuts to the girls recording the song in a studio

Tamakura Ayana (Contestant 🖤): When they said a shorter third line, they weren't kidding.

Jeong Arie-Um (Contestant 🖤): You're literally going to be in the center basically the whole time, stop complaining!

Hwang Haneul (Contestant 🖤): Besides, 'Yes Gimme That' is an iconic line!

Kyung-Hee Kang (Contestant 🖤): At least you have a third line.

Yoo Vivian (Contestant 🖤): Honestly, I don't even mind not having the Class A advantage. My lines really let me sing and I love that!

Then, they cut to an empty stage, where the 10 girls are practicing the choreography and formations together

Lee A-Yeong (Contestant 🖤): Rosie, how are you so flexible????

Jeong Arie-Um (Contestant 🖤): I know, I seriously don't get it.

Yoshiko Arim (Contestant 🖤): It's weird seeing Ayana The Center. I'm used to seeing Ayana The Vocalist

Tamakura Ayana (Contestant 🖤): I like that I'm showing a new side of myself for this mission. I can show the audience that I can perform as well as sing.

Hwang Haneul (Contestant 🖤): Let's run it one more time...

The camera cuts again to a more prepared stage, ready for a performance.

Rosetta Lilianne Park (Contestant 🖤): You guys ready?

Kyung-Hee Kang (Contestant 🖤): I think we are...

Hwang Haneul (Contestant 🖤): Well then...let's go!

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