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🌟 Are you ready to vote? 🌟

Who can vote? All votings in Fearlessness 101 will be restricted to admins and former admins. Considering adoptions, deactivated accounts and all of that, these are the 7 admins that I am expecting to vote

Hannitique - Lee Joo-Mi
hearts4melisa - Tamakura Ayana & Yoshiko Arim
GoldenJackle - Kyung-HeeKang
-lvlypctter - Yoo Vivian & Jeong Arie-Um
RavenclawOfAltazarra - Yoonah Kim
Vanillabyul - Lee A-Yeong
Vintage_riki - Rosetta Lilianne Kim

Obviously, if you're an eliminated admin, you can still vote, but once everyone on this list has voted, the voting will probably close, so be aware of that.

What to do with this voting? So, for the Finale, the voting system will be a bit...different. I'm not sure if you guys realize this, but the way I run af votings normally ends it a LOT of ties. And it was fine when I was choosing who to save/eliminate anyway, but I don't want to rig this final lineup, I'm not Mnet. 

So, in order to assure more specific vote totals, the Finale will have rank choice voting! Basically, that means you have to rank the girls from who you like most to least. It's really difficult to do, but hey, that's how it is in the finale. Once again, voting for yourself as 1st place is totally fine!

There's also an extra question that asks you for discography suggestions for the final group, since I will be giving them albums and stuff!

When to vote? Voting starts May 16th and ends May 29th, or when all currently competing admins have voted.

Where to vote? Google form will be linked here. I'm pretty sure you guys know the drill by now.

This is actually so exciting help-

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