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~Young Visenya ~4 years old

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~Young Visenya ~
4 years old

~ Young Baelon ~8 years old

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~ Young Baelon ~
8 years old

Being royalty often gave you the power to experience some luxuries that not everybody was able to get

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Being royalty often gave you the power to experience some luxuries that not everybody was able to get. You could have the most expensive jewelries, the finest dresses and the shiniest tiaras in the Realm. Even your whole body and being was so important that every royalty had to walk around escorted by guards. 

That one thing was the thing Princess Visenya hated the most. Every time she was surrounded by guards watching her every step. She couldn't eat anything she wanted since a lot of guards suspected the food or the drinks were poisoned. She couldn't go wherever she wanted to go because there were high chances for bandits or thieves to appear and try to kidnap her. Visenya was supposed to stay in one place, act a certain way and not cause troubles. Something that felt like torture for a 4 years old.

"Have you seen the princess?" The maids asked around frankly as they looked around the castle. A 8 years old Baelon was sitting on his bed with a book in his hands when a knock was heard at his door. 

"Come in." He said not taking his eyes from his book. 

"My apologies, My Prince." A maid said entering in his chambers.

"No problem. You're here because of Visenya, aren't you?" He asked while flipping a page from his book, continuing to read. The maid sighed while nodding.

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