20. Plans

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The strong wind was blowing in the sails of the ships that were sailing towards Kings Landings

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The strong wind was blowing in the sails of the ships that were sailing towards Kings Landings. Visenya was watching from her balcony the wide sea being filled with ships getting closer to the port. 

"It looks like the celebration of this year won't be a normal one." Daemon said by her side as he watched the sea. Visenya hummed as she nodded shortly.

"This birthday is the one that marks mine and Aemond's entrance into adulthood." The Princess stated as she looked down to see people preparing the decors. "A celebration hold for three days, one for me, one for Aemond, and on the last one a banquet is going to be hold for both of us." She sighed as she put her elbows on the edge of her balcony. 

Daemon chuckled as he turned and leaned his back against the balcony. "The Queen's favorite son is sharing his birthday with a child of Princess Rhaenyra." He said gesturing dramatically with his hand and then turned to his daughter, a smug smirk on his face. "I bet Alicent is fuming at this very moment." 

Visenya rolled her eyes as she fought an amused smirk to appear on her face, however it was impossible. For three days, Visenya and Aemond are going to be each other's partner and that is going to be a lot, giving the fact the Princess and the one eyed Prince didn't get the chance to speak that much about what happened back in their youth in that horrifying night.

"Since I'm going to be Aemond's partner, do you think she would probably try to play one of her tricks?" Visenya asked her father. Daemon didn't have to ask what she was talking about.

"Are you sure this is the main purpose of Naessa?" He asked while raising an eyebrow looking at his daughter. "Maybe she is just a stupid noble girl that just happened to lie her eyes on Baelon. You know there is rarely anyone that could resist our Targaryen charms." He said with a smirk on his face.

Visenya kept a serious expression as she nodded. "I am sure." She stated. "Think about everything that happened until now. A noble girl came to the court, and just before grandfather can appoint her responsibilities, the Green Queen ask to take her under her authority and not even a day later she is named lady in waiting. Aside from that she started to act very friendly to me, just to tell me later about rumors how people believe me and Baelon are lovers." She said and then turned her head to look at her father. "Why would she tell me that from the first time we ever talked? Let me tell you, because somehow she knew I am going to act careful and probably not talk with Baelon, and she would use that opportunity to step in and try her way with him." Visenya said as she turned to look back at the sea. 

Daemon could see her gritting her teeth and clenching her fists, her knuckles turning white at the pressure. He could sense her boiling in rage and frustration. Baelon was someone very important to his daughter, and even though he tried multiple times to make her detach from the brunet Prince, but everything was in vain. Visenya grew up with Baelon, they were playing every day, talked from the moment they would wake up to late in the night. They were so close that people even believed that the Prince became the second shadow of the Princess. They were inseparable, even if there were on opposite places of the world, somehow the two were always connected.

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