12. Breakfast

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Alicent was telling the maids what to do and what to bring at the table while her father took his seat

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Alicent was telling the maids what to do and what to bring at the table while her father took his seat. In the dining room then walked Aemond, tall and proud, coming to have breakfast early in the morning as usual. Soon Helaena walked inside, her hands intertwined together and brought in front of her as she walked with her head held down. She then took her seat next to her younger brother. 

Suddenly the doors opened and Rhaenyra walked inside with her family. Daemon was by her side, holding his son, Aegon, in his arms, walking on Rhanyra's right side, as the woman was holding her right hand on her swollen belly and with her left one she was holding Joffrey's hand. Luke was by his little brother's side, while Jace was walking by Daemon's side. 

When they arrived in the room, the Greens stopped from what they were doing and just looked at them. There was a heavy silence in the room as the two families were looking at one another. Alicent was eyeing Rhaenyra like a hawk, ready to jump over the table and dig her sharp nails into her flesh. Daemon was doing the same to Otto. The Rouge Prince was never able to stand the man who was considered to be the second most powerful man in the Realm after the King.

Suddenly the doors opened once again and a heavy sigh was heard. "Well this is a sight to see." King Viserys said with a smile on his face as he looked at the people in the room. "All my family, once again reunited." He continued as he walked further in the room to his daughter.

"Good morning, father." Rhaenyra said as Viserys kissed her temples. A smile appeared on both of their faces when they greeted. The King then walked to his brother, shaking his hand. They exchanged smiles too, no word needed to be said, as Viserys walked to his wife. He kissed her cheek and then took his seat. 

"Well, don't let me be the only one at the table. Please be seated." Viserys said smiling. The King was in a good mood knowing his family was whole once again. Seeing his children and grandchildren around the table was a joyful sight for him. 

After everybody was seated the doors opened. Everybody's attention was focused on the new comer who turned out to be the one and only first born son of the King. Aegon barely dragged his feet to the table as he sit down, a tired sigh leaving through his lips. 

"Good thing you decided to join us after all, Aegon." Alicent spitted bitterly as she glared at her oldest son. Aegon felt himself getting smaller and smaller under her cold eyes as he started to regret the idea of getting out of bed. However, the thought of his old friend being back home, and maybe the idea of an annoying twin brother throwing water all over him were bugging him too much for his liking. He just nodded at his mother's words and kept his head low, looking only at his empty cup which will soon be filled with the precious bloody red wine. 

"Good morning, husband." Helaena greeted quietly from his left. Aegon looked at her slowly, noticing her eyes being on the table as his were. She wasn't looking at him, but he knew she wasn't hating him, not like their mother and their younger brother did. 

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