21. Freedom

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The halls were barely lightened as Visenya made her way towards the Statue of Seven

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The halls were barely lightened as Visenya made her way towards the Statue of Seven. Her outfit was practically her training outfit along with a long black cloak that was barely touching the ground. Her long silver hair was put in a tight bun, a few strands framing her face, as the hood was over her head, hiding her identity.

She smiled when she saw the statue but her smile slowly faded when she didn't see Baelon next to it. "Seems like I am the first one." She said to herself trying to ease her nerves. Suddenly she started to hear steps and the smile was back on her face but it soon faded when she realized it wasn't Baelon the one getting closer, but some guards. 

She looked around for a place to hide when she felt her arm being grabbed and she was yanked back. She wanted to scream but she felt a hand covering her mouth as she was pushed against a wall. "It's me." She heard somebody whisper and when she looked in front of her she was met with Baelon giving her a reassuring smile.

The Princess started to calm down when she saw him. He then took his hand off her mouth to put his index finger in front of his lips making a sign to keep quiet and then pointing towards the hall where two knights were walking past them.

After the two men walked past, the Prince looked both ways before he turned to her. "All clear." He said and Visenya nodded. Suddenly she punched his chest. "Ouch!" He groaned as he looked at her surprised.

"That was for earlier." She stated. "You scared the living light out of me." She continued while gesturing with her hands.

Baelon chuckled as he shook his head. "Almost." He said amused and Visenya scoffed. "Come on, we have to go." Baelon said as he took Visenya's hand and dragged her with him.

"Shouldn't we head towards the Dragon Pit if we are going for a ride?" Visenya asked confused as she noticed they were heading towards the main entrance of the castle. 

"When did I say we are going to a dragon ride tonight?" Baelon asked as he smirked while looking at her from her side. 

Visenya furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "You said we are going to recover the lost time. We usually go for dragon rides when we want to spend time together." She stated while tilting her head to the side as she said that.

"You are right. We usually do that, but not tonight." He said as he got next to a handle and pulled it. Suddenly a door opened in the wall showing the way to a secret tunnel. Visenya looked at Baelon surprised as he smiled and nodded towards the tunnel. She sighed as she walked inside with him, the wall quickly closing as Baelon took a torch. "I was thinking of doing something different since tomorrow is a special day." He stated.

Visenya hummed realizing what he was talking about. Tomorrow was her 17th birthday, an age where girls are considered adults and ready to marry. And since Visenya told Baelon about her plans of searching for a good husband that might help the Targaryens, the two weren't on such good terms until now. 

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