13. Purpose

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"Watch out!" Baelon yelled as he and Porous launched into the sky while the guards threw themselves to the ground so they wouldn't be hit by the enormous beast

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"Watch out!" Baelon yelled as he and Porous launched into the sky while the guards threw themselves to the ground so they wouldn't be hit by the enormous beast.

"Coming through!" Visenya's voice was heard not long after and soon she and Onyx followed the Prince and his dragon. The two laughed as they saw everybody running away from their dragons, who even though were ferocious beast, they were more like soft puppies in the eyes of the Targaryens.

If there was one thing Baelon missed more than anything while Visenya was gone, that would probably be riding their dragons together. It's been a few days since Rhaenyra and her family returned to Kings Landings, and as much time he gave Visenya for her to get used to the life at court, time to spend with Helaena and Aegon, the brunet decided that enough is enough. Visenya tried to spend some time with Aemond too, but the Prince was a little to weary and too high guarded to speak or spend some time with his once favorite person.

The Princess was kind of disappointed of Aemond's reaction, and Baelon decided to make this an opportunity for them to go dragon riding. That's probably how they ended up like this.

They were flying by each other's side, sometimes, one of them would fly above the other or under the other. Visenya grew a little bored by the constant slow flying, so she decided to have some fun. 

Onyx grew a lot since Baelon last saw the female dragon, who was rumored to be an egg fathered by none other than Balerion, the Black Death. She was a quick flyer and also a powerful one. Porous on the other hand, was much larger than Onyx. Maybe as large as Caraxes, but unlike the long-necked dragon, Porous had a much stronger build. Steady and powerful, Porous wasn't a quick flyer, but he was one hell of a strong dragon. Even the tamers from the dragon pit would say that Porous became one of the strongest dragons in such a short amount of time.

Visenya suddenly flied up into the sky and Baelon looked after her curious and confused. She went a very good amount of height and then she started to come down. Baelon noticed how Onyx retracted her wings and started to spin in the air as cheers errupted from Visenya. He watched as they started to get closer and closer to the ocean. They were a few meters from hitting the surface of the water when Onyx opened her wings and they flew above the water, creating big waves due to their abrupt actions.

"Well, that was impressive." Baelon said as he flew beside Visenya. The girl giggled at the compliment and nodded her head. 

"You should try it too." The girl suggested as she nodded towards the huge red dragon. Baelon was a little hesitant about the idea, giving the fact that Porous was bigger and heavier than Onyx, but seeing his dragon reaction, he noticed that the red beast wouldn't back down from a challenge. Not in front of a female dragon he grew up with. Just like Baelon.

Not saying anything else, Baelon launched into the skies, above the big clouds, letting Prorous go as high as he wanted. When he decided it was enough, they turned towards the water and started to descend from the sky. To make a more faster fall, Prorous retracted his wings too, but because of his huge frame it was harder for him to spin, so he chose to just o straight like a bullet. 

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