5. Comfort

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Harwing was moving his weight from one feet to another as he looked outside nervous

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Harwing was moving his weight from one feet to another as he looked outside nervous. Millions of thoughts were running through his head as he waited for his lover, Princess Rhaenyra, to return with their newborn child. He knew this boy will not be any different than his brothers, and Harwin started to wonder what kind of consequences this birth will bring upon them.

The doors finally opened, and inside the chambers walked Rhaenyra along with Laenor, who was holding the baby. Jace and Luke quickly got up to greet their mother and their 'father'. Harwin turned to look at the couple only to grow worried when he noticed the tiredness in his lover's eyes. He walked closer to her and offered his arm for Rhaenyra to take. The princess smiled at the gesture and leaned on it, and took a seat.

"Mother, look!" Jace called as he and Luke walked towards a pot. He took the lid to uncover a dark blue colored dragon egg.

"Seny helped us choose it." Luke said smiling.

Rhaenyra smiled tenderly at her boys and caressed their cheeks. "That's a lovely gesture you made for your brother." She expressed. 

Harwin smiled at his boys before his eyes landed on the baby in Laenor's arms. "Another boy, I've heard." He said as he noticed Laenor's loving gaze on the child. "Might I?" He asked.

Rhaenyra smiled. "Ser Harwin whish to be introduced to Joffrey." She announced snapping her husband out of his thoughts.

"Of course." Laenor said as he looked at both of them and then placed the baby in Harwin's arms. He then looked around the room and noticed someone missing. "Jace? Luke?" He called catching the attention of the boys. "Where is your sister?" 

The boys looked at each other and then at their 'father'. "She said she is going to work on her bond with Onyx." Luke informed.

Rhaenyra and Laenor exchanged a look before the princess spoke. "I suppose Baelon is not in his chambers or the library?" She asked and both the boys shook their heads. Rhaenyra sighed tiredly. She didn't have something against her half-brother. In fact, Baelon and Helaena were her favorite siblings, but she couldn't stop but see hers and Alicent's friendship in Visenya and Baelon. They were doing everything together. From reading books to riding dragons. The only thing that was worrying Rhaenyra was the possibility of Visenya and Baelon to end up like she and Alicent did. 

"Father? Can I hold Joffrey?" Luke asked as he looked at the baby and raised his hands so he can touch the child. Jace was behind him, trying to stop him as the little boy was to young and weak to be able to hold his baby brother. 

"No no no. Back to the dragon pit. You two should work on your bond with your dragons just like your sister does." Laenor said as he started to push the boys towards the door. "Now off you go. Before they send a search party." And with that the three walked out of the chambers leaving some privacy for the couple.

Harwin started to move a little around the room, swaying the baby, as Rhaenyra watched tenderly the interaction. It was truly a sight to see one of the most strongest and brutal knights in Westeros act so caring and gentle with a child.

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