27: Assassins

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The atmosphere at the hunting grounds was nice

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The atmosphere at the hunting grounds was nice. The musicians were singing and playing, people were chatting and laughing together as they drunk and ate to their heart's desire.

"How has the life at court been treating you, dear sister?" Aden Tyrell said as he was walking along with Naessa, their arms linked together. 

"It is wonderful brother. The Queen is a wonderful woman." Naessa said cheerfully. Aden hummed pleased. 

"And Prince Baelon? How is the matching proceeding?" Aden asked curious.

Naessa stayed silent form a moment. "He is not an easy man." She said.

Aden's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked at his sister. "Care to explain?" He asked.

"He is always reading or training. And if it is not doing those things then... " Naessa started to say but stopped, biting her lower lip. 

The night before she was sent by the Queen to fetch some tea for her head ache when she met Prince Baelon, walking on the halls of the palace, drunk. She tried to talk with him, but the man just leaned against the wall, calling Visenya's name in his unstable state. 

When the princess's name came out of Baelon's mouth, Naessa felt her heart aching, more and more, every time Baelon called for the princess. She in the end helped Baelon get to his chambers. When she came out of his chambers, Naessa was met with Aegon, who looked at her confused.

"Then what, Naessa?" Aden asked waking her up from her thoughts. She stayed silent. It disturbed her more than she liked to admit the fact that the prince's heart was already owned by someone who wasn't her. "Is he spending his time with the princess, is he not?" He asked. Naessa nodded her head, looking down at the ground. "Nes..." Aden said putting his fingers under her chin, making her look at him. "If a rose is hurting you, then you cut off it's thorns. And if a parasite is threatening that rose, then you get rid of that parasite. Do you understand what I am telling you?" He asked.

Naessa looked at him and nodded. A new fire of determination appeared in her eyes. "I know what I have to do brother." She said smirking in confidence.

Aden smiled proudly as they continued their walk, passing by a few tents. On the other side of the tents, Cregan was walking around, followed by his guard. "I am telling you that you should really try and apologize to the princess for your behavior. I still believe it is a miracle that she never told anyone the way you treated her, or the fact that the King did not punish you for her." Ser Paldyon said as he followed his lord.

"The simple fact that the King is doing nothing due to my disrespect towards the princess is showing how unimportant she is to him." Cregan said giving a knowing smirk. 

"She is still the Princess of the Realm. She is a Targaryen." Ser Paldyon tried to reason with his master.

"And you do remember what the Targaryens did when Winterfell was under attack? Absolutely nothing." Cregan said through gritted teeth. 

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