16. Brothers

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"He's avoiding me!" Visenya yelled as she was walking around

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"He's avoiding me!" Visenya yelled as she was walking around. "No. No." She said as she chuckled bitterly. "Better say he is running away from me every time he sees me because 'avoiding' doesn't even cover his whole act." She said frustrated before she resumed her walking.

"Are you sure he is avoiding you?" Jace asked as he was sitting on his bed watching his sister walking from one side to another of his room. 

The Princess stopped. "Well, let me see...he ran away from me when we were on the island. He then didn't showed up to the dinner." Visenya counted.

"You didn't show up either." Jace stated.

"I was in the library studying. He was in his room hiding!" Visenya corrected him. "Then, he avoided me during breakfast." 

"He finished his plate and decided to go out." Jace shrugged as if it was so obvious.

"He decided to get through the exit that was the opposite direction of me. The servant exit." Visenya said folding her arms and raising an eyebrow while emphazeing the word.

Jace rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, that was a little weird, not gonna lie." He admitted and then looked at his sister. 

"What about dragon riding? I mean, for the first time ever since we got our dragons, he decided to ride alone, without me." Visenya sighed as she walked to the bed and jumped on it, lying on it, looking at the ceiling. Jace lied down next to her. "I'm afraid Jace. We just got back here and we are already drifting apart." Visenya said, her tone showing her distraught state as she started to move her finger in the air as if she was drawing on the ceiling of the room. After a little time she let her hand fell down on her chest. "Maybe dad was right. Maybe he really changed during these 6 years." Visenya sighed defeated.

"I don't think so." Jace blurted out making his sister look at him confused. 

"You don't?" Visenya asked confused as her brother shook his head.

"When I was young, grandfather Colin told me something. In time, everything changes. Voices changes their tones, the hair turns grey, the skin get wrinkles, but the eyes, they never change. They stay the same, reflecting your soul as a mirror. I never understood it back then, maybe because I was just 8 at that time, but when we came back I understood grandfather's words more than any time in my life." Jace said and then he finally looked at his sister who was still by his side. "Baelon still looks at you the same way he looked at you when we were little. He still smiles the same way in your direction and he tends to get a little excited when you hold his hand." Jace chuckled at the last part. "He didn't change, Seny. Maybe he grew up, but inside, he is still that boy who you knew back in the time." The boy assured.

"Then why is he acting so strange around me now?" Visenya asked confused as she sighed.

"I have no idea." Jace shook his head. "What happened last time you two talked? Did something happen then?" He asked curious.

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