7. Goodbyes

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"Every ring has a pair of legs

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"Every ring has a pair of legs." Helaena said as she was playing with one of her insects. Visenya hummed as she was braiding a crown of flowers. Her mind was still lost in the events of the day before.  

"Seny?" Helaena said while waving her hand in front of Visenya's eyes. The girl blinked a few times before she realized that Helaena said something. 

"Yes Helaena. That's a nice bug." Visenya said as she continued to braid the crown.

"I wasn't talking about a bug." Helaena said softly. An 'oh' left Visenya's lips as she stopped for a moment before getting back to braiding. "Seny." Helaena called once again while putting her hands above the younger's, making her stop and look at her. "What's wrong?" 

Visenya shook her head a little as she continued braiding. "Nothing. I was just thinking about yesterday." The young Princess answered honestly.

"About Ser Harwin's and Ser Cristen's confrontation?" Helaena asked curious. Visenya stopped from what she was doing, remembering the training she watched. She was really grateful for Ser Harwin for protecting her brothers against the continuous bullying of Ser Cristen, but by doing something like attacking the knight, the commander exposed himself in front of the slanders. However, Visenya's mind was more lost in a conversation she heard between her mother and father, some details still bothering her young thoughts.

"Yes. I believe they wanted to show my brothers and my uncles how a true fight looks like." Visenya lied with an innocent smile on her face. 

Helaena chuckled at the comment. "I believe so. However, our brothers are too weak to be on their level." The older Princess said. Visenya hummed.

"Well, would you look at that." Baelon's voice was heard in the garden. The girls turned their heads in his direction to see him dragging Aegon after him. "Two Princesses, spending some time together. Do you mind if we join you?" The brunette asked with a smile.

"Not at all." Helaena said with enthusiasm as she looked at her favorite brother. "Baelon look at this!" She said as she showed Baelon her insects with a proud smile on her face.

"Wow Hel. It's beautiful." Baelon said as he sit down between the girls. Aegon looked at the group, suddenly feeling out of place when all of them looked at him. 

Visenya smiled and grabbed his hand pulling him to sit on the other side of Baelon, all four of them making a circle. The silver-haired boy sighed as he leaned his back against the tree. Visenya watched him from the corner of her eye and she noticed the left side of his face being more red than his right side. An imprint with the shape of fingers was slowly forming on his cheek.

Visenya heard Aegon complaining about his mother's scolding, and sometimes, she would see that without wanting. She thought the Queen was only doing this to her mother, but to her shock it seemed that not even her kids were able to escape from her iron hand. Well, at least Aegon. 

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