17. Naessa

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"I present you, Lady Naessa of House Tyrell." A guard announced as the huge doors opened and soon a girl entered in the room. Her steps could be heard loud and clear as she stepped in the big hall.

Visenya watched from the side, with her family, as Naessa walked inside the room heading towards the King. She saw the girl holding a straight position, stepping with grace and elegance, her smile looking confident but not arrogant, making others swoon at her beauty and manners. Maybe the young Princess would have been fooled too by her, but she was able to noticed the clenched fists hidden by the long dress, and the way some steps were bigger from time to time.

Naessa was nervous, and Visenya could never blame her for it. She wasn't walking just anywhere, she was walking into a dragon den, and around here, you never know what kind of creatures with cold blood you could run into and who you can trust. 

'Some with blood colder than others.' She thought as she looked in the direction of Otto Hightower who was watching the events in front of him.

The Tyrell girl stopped in front of the throne and bowed. "I greet His Grace, King Viserys, first of his name, King of the Andals, Raynolds and first men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." Naessa said while bowing. After finishing her greeting she rose up and smiled politely. 

"It's a good day to welcome you at my court, Lady Naessa." King Viserys said smiling.

"Thank you, for receiving me, Your Grace." Naessa said smiling as she nodded. Visenya was still curious about the motives behind the girl's arrival at her grandfather's court, but she believed she was going to find out soon enough.

"Husband, if I'm not asking for too much, I would like to take this lady under my guidance." Alicent spoke surprising everybody with her request. Rhaenyra and Daemon looked at each other, shocked of Alicent's request, even Otto was looking confused and skeptical at his daughter.

"You want her?" Viserys asked surprised while nodding in the direction of the new comer.

The Queen nodded as she smiled. "Until she gets used to the life at the Red Keep." She explained with a kind smile using her honey like tone.

Visenya watched the interaction carefully. She knew it wasn't in Alicent to do this kind of things out of her kindness. The Princess looked at her father, only for the Rouge Prince to look already at his oldest child. With just one look at each other and they knew this wasn't something usual, and the reactions of the Queen's children were proof enough for Visenya and Daemon to know that Alicent was most likely having something planned for Naessa. 

After the welcoming ceremony, some people started slowly to get back to what they were doing before, while others stopped to welcome and talk with Naessa. Visenya wanted to talk with the Tyrell girl too, mostly to find a few things about her brother and her family, but mainly to win her over before Alicent does.

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