15. Grandsire

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When Visenya moved for the first time on Dragonstone, she had the habit to ignore the fight she had with her mother by closing herself in her room and practicing

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When Visenya moved for the first time on Dragonstone, she had the habit to ignore the fight she had with her mother by closing herself in her room and practicing. Even if it was about bowing, keeping her balance or the way she spoke in public, Visenya would rather ignore conflicts and personal problems by trying to solve problems she could easily have control over. 

Just like right now. She chose to not solve the conflict with Baelon. It wasn't because she didn't want to, it was more because she knew Baelon needed time to grasp the situation and understand her point of view also. During that time, the Princess decided to ignore the tug of her heart by closing off the emotions and using her head for her big plan.

This is how she ended up spending time in the royal library for the last 4 hours. She even missed dinner with her family, but her research was more important, and as her birthday and the banquet were getting closer, she knew she has no time to waste. 

Visenya was so caught up in her studies that she didn't even heard the door of the library opening and closing. Not even the person who was standing right in front of her, looking at how she would run her hands through her hair from time to time.

Viserys was looking at his first grandchild, studying in the library as if there was no tomorrow. Her silver hair was styled in one braid, as a few strands were framing her face. She was opening book after book, flipping page after page, taking notes, changing papers, throwing papers. She was so caught up in what she was doing she didn't even notice him. 

The King decided to not interrupt her just now, as he wanted to admire her a little more. To see how much the years put their signature over her. How much she has grown while she was out of his sight. How much she changed. 

She was taller, having a thin figure but somehow strong. She was wearing a white shirt which was having the strings a little undone. She was wearing a pair of black pants with boots. Not far from her, on a chair, was a dark red tunic he believed was hers. Viserys's eyes then landed on her face. Her jaw was well defined, along with her cheekbones. Her lips were full and the color of roses, and her eyes were sharp, yet still soft.

The King couldn't believe his eyes, but as Visenya grew up, she started to resemble his mother more and more, Princess Allyssa. Filled with joy and her wish for adventure. She was a rulebreaker when she just learned how to walk, and now she was riding her dragon more than she was walking the earth with her own two feet. 

Viserys knew his brother resembled their mother the most out of them, and for the King's luck or maybe not, the girl was resembling her father and grandmother not only in genes but also in attitude. 

"Grandfather?" Visenya's voice woke him out of his thoughts. Viserys looked at his grand daughter to see her looking at him with curiosity dancing in her vibrant violet eyes as the light of the candles were dancing softly on her pale skin. 

"Good evening, my little sun." Viserys said smiling as he walked closer to her.

"What are you doing here? Isn't it too late for you to still be awake?" Visenya asked as she stood up and dragged a chair for the King to sit.

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