23. Duel

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The arena was filled with cheers as the royal family stepped in their balcony to watch the show

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The arena was filled with cheers as the royal family stepped in their balcony to watch the show. Visenya was smiling bright, hiding the scowl she wore on her face a few moments ago as she took her seat next to Aemond. 

"Uncle." Visenya bowed in front of the man who was already seated. Aemond barely offered her a glance as he hummed. The Princess sighed as she took her seat, followed by her family. She looked around herself and noticed that Naessa walked inside too, wearing a beautiful green dress as she took a seat next to the Queen.

Visenya sighed as she tried to keep her calm. It was alright. Alicent was just using Naessa to show the benefits of being one of her people to the Realm. It was just a dirty trick, nothing more, nothing less.

Suddenly Heleana appeared next to her surprising the younger Princess. "I'm sorry. I really had to talk to Baelon." She said as she pointed towards the tents where the warriors were getting ready. By the entrance of one of the tents was Baelon, in a beautiful black and red armor, leaning against a pillar with his arms folded in front of his chest. Visenya had to admit, he looked dashing and very handsome. 

When he looked towards her and made eye contact, Visenya felt her breath being caught inside her throat as he smiled in her direction and waved. She gulped, then sighed as she waved back, a small blush covering her cheeks while looking at him.

The act caught Alicent's eye and even though she was against this kind of interaction between the two, she was glad Visenya's mind was kept away from finding a suitor before her children. However, she knew how smart Baelon was, and something about him just didn't seem trustworthy.

Suddenly the horn was heard starting the competition and Baelon turned back to his tent. The smile on his face faded quickly, being replaced by a murderous look as he replayed the conversation he had with Helaena a few minutes early.

He was getting ready when his sister entered. "Am I interrupting you?" She asked with her soft voice.

"How could I be bothered by my dear little sister?" Baelon asked as he gave her a warm smile and walked to her and offered her a hug. He felt Helaena hugging him tight, something she would usually do when she was afraid or worried about something. "Is something the matter?" Baelon asked as he pulled from the hug. The girl said nothing as she looked away from him,the gesture making the Prince frown as he made his sister look up at him. "Helaena?" 

"It's Seny." She said shortly. The answer made Baelon's eyes widen as he thought of his niece.

"What happened to her? Is she alright? Is she hurt?" He asked in concern and agitated.

"She isn't hurt physically." Helaena said trying to assure him. "However...." She started but stopped, biting her lower lip. She didn't know how her brother was going to react after she was going to tell him what happened, knowing how protective the brunet was over Visenya.

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