14. Tyrell

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"Hail Queen Alicent

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"Hail Queen Alicent." A knight announced as the carriage stopped in front of the stairs of a huge castle. The door opened and outside walked Alicent, wearing an elegant dress in its significant green color. 

The Queen looked around herself at her surroundings, her eyes lastly landing on the man that was waiting at the top of the stairs. A young man, who was most likely older than her twins with a few years, was smiling brightly in her direction as he descended the stairs.

"It's an honor to have you, my Queen." The young man said as he bowed in front of the woman. Alicent looked at his manners and somehow, a thought of Heleana getting married to him would have been better than having the girl married to her oldest brother.

"It's also an honor to be introduced to the new head of House Tyrell, my lord." Alicent said with a small smile.

"You are flattering me, Your Grace." The man said as he stood up straight. "However, I believe you are not here just for paying compliments." The lord said giving a knowing smile.

Alicent nodded. "I am here for the deal." She answered holding her head high. The man nodded.

"Of course. I've already prepared everything." He informed and then took a step aside. "Shall we head inside?" The man asked as he nodded towards the door.

Alicent nodded and started to climb the stairs as the man walked right beside her. Cristen Cole was walking behind his Queen, guarding her at every step, as if he was her shadow, for her every awoken minute of her day. He had a bad feeling about the lord, but giving the fact Alicent and he were having a deal, he decided to trust his Queen's gut.

"I must admit, my Queen, your letter quiet shocked me when I first read it." The Tyrell lord said with a chuckle.

"Even so, you still accepted." Alicent said with a monotone voice as she continued to walk around the castle. The lord hummed. They soon arrived in front of two huge doors and stopped. "Are they here?" Alicent asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, Your Grace." The lord answered. The Queen was about to open the doors only for the lord to keep them closed. "Not so fast." He said. Alicent was a little taken aback by the man's boldness, and Cristen Cole stepped next to the woman, having his hand already on the holder of his sword. "I just want to make sure that our agreement still stands." The lord said with an innocent smile while mischief was dancing softly in his eyes just like the light of the candles.

Alicent sighed as she raised an hand to assure her knight that everything is alright before turning to the lord. "One of your sisters will be chosen as the wife of my second born son, and will bear him children. If anything is to happen to my first born son and his children, Prince Baelon will be the next in line for the throne, and along with him, your sister and their children. So, in the end, there are changes that a Tyrell might seat on the Iron Throne. If not, then at least your blood will run into the royal family and in the Great Council."  Alicent repeated what she already wrote in her letter.

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