25: Sleepless

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The Princess groaned as she continued to turn around in her bed

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The Princess groaned as she continued to turn around in her bed. She couldn't even close her eyes as her mind was filled with restless thoughts. About what happened at the tournament, about what everybody said about her, how Cregan acted around her and what he said.

She knew she wouldn't sleep for some time, so she stood up sighing. She wrapped her shawl around her body, light up a candle and walked out of her chambers. The Princess headed towards the library as she hoped that after reading a little she will get tired enough to get to sleep.

As she entered in the library she was surprised of the sight in front of her. Baelon was there, lying on a bench with pillows, a dagger dangling above his head as he played around with it. From the way it looked, it was probably the knife he won in the competition.

"Seems like I am not the only one who cannot find sleep tonight." Visenya said catching the attention of the Prince.

Baelon's eyes widened as his eyes landed on her. She was wearing a white nightgown that reached her ankles. Her hair, which was usually styled, was now undone, cascading down on her back in a river of silver locks. Her purple eyes were shinning in the light of the fire and her smile was as warm as he remembered. She looked like a true Goddess in his eyes.

"Visenya..." He acknowledged. "You are still awake."

She hummed as she took a seat in front of him on a chair. "The wind is too loud. Besides, the events of today and tomorrow are keeping my mind awake." Visenya said as he wrapped her shawl around herself as she looked at the flames dancing in the fire place.

"So did you solve that problem you had to?" Baelon asked, a monotone voice. Visenya turned to look at him, seeing him already watching her, his face leaned in his fist, a bored expression on his face. She was confused of his behavior until she realized: she didn't congratulated him properly.

She chuckled a little. "Seems I got so caught up in my head and my own problems that I didn't congratulate the winner of the tournament, that was hold on my birthday, in a proper way." She said amused. She stood up and walked away from their comfortable place for a moment, just to return back with two glasses and a bottle of wine.

Baelon noticed those and raised his eyebrow, already knowing what her idea was. "I don't think is good to drink. Tomorrow we will have a long day." He said as she took her seat next to him this time.

"You've worked so hard these days and got to win a competition against ones of the best swordsmen in Westeros. You can relax a little around me." Visenya suggested with a warm smile.

If reading won't help her sleep, wine most likely will. And knowing Baelon, he would most likely get her to bed. He sighed and waved his hand for her to pour him a cup.

The Princess smiled as she poured the red liquid in the glasses. After that she got one for Baelon and one for her. "So, tell me what happened lately?" She asked as she got more comfortable.

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