9. Incident

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Heleana just fell asleep when Visenya quietly left her chambers

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Heleana just fell asleep when Visenya quietly left her chambers. The younger Princess decided it wouldn't be right for the guards to find them talking and giggling, since neither of the girls wanted for the mothers to be announced. Right when she was about to leave for her chambers, Visenya spotted the twins in not such a pleasant manner. 

"Baelon. Aegon." She called alerting the brunet of her presence. 

"Seny. What are you doing up so late?" Baelon asked as he was trying to stabilize Aegon. Visenya furrowed her eyebrows at the two but after she noticed the way Aegon was standing it wasn't too hard for her to guess that he was completely and utterly drunk. 

"It doesn't matter. Let me help you." She said as she got closer to them. Baelon wanted to protest but one single glare from the girl was enough to silence him. In his mind, he was grateful for the help as he didn't know how long was he going to resist before he was going to grow frustrated enough to let his brother sleep on the floor.

"Seny! My dragon was wondering where you are!" Aegon said happily as he leaned on the girl. Visenya spend some time with her oldest uncle to hear him flirt with her and the other women at the palace, back in Kings Landing. Right now, she was debating if he was referring to Sunfyre or something else.

"Let's get you to bed, Aegon." Visenya sighed as she and Baelon started to lead the silver haired boy to his chambers. 

"Brother." Aegon called leaning on his brother this time. "Isn't our niece the cutest?" He asked with a wide smile making both Visenya and Baelon chuckle at his enthusiasm. Seeing their reactions Aegon's smile grew more and more as they walked to his room.

Once inside, the two helped Aegon get to bed and when they wanted to leave, he grabbed Visenya's hand, making her stop. "Seny! My head hurts! Make it stop!" Aegon whined as he rubbed his temples.

Visenya looked at him and then put her hand on his forehead. Not long after her eyes widened and she turned to Baelon. "Where did you find him?" She asked as she walked to fireplace and put more wood on the fire. 

"He was outside, leaning against a wall." Baelon answered as he watched her grab a bowl and filling it with water. She then grabbed a cloth and made her way back to Aegon. "What are you doing?" 

"Aegon is having a fever." Visenya informed. Baelon's eyes widened as he looked at her putting the cloth in the water.

"I am going to call the maes-" He started to say while walking to the door before he was stopped.

"No need." Visenya called as she prepared the cloth. "I can make it all go away." She said as she washed Aegon's face and his hands. She then dapped the cloth back in water, squeezed it and then placed it on Aegon's forehead. Visenya then placed the covers on his body as Aegon started to mumble something in his sleep.

"Is he alright?" Baelon asked as he got closer. Visenya caressed Aegon's face softly while having a soft smile on her face. 

"When he is not going to be drunk anymore. He will most likely have a headache in the morning, but in rest anything else should be fine." Visenya informed as she heard Baelon sighing in relief. He then made his way towards her and kneeled in front of her grabbing her other hand. 

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