4. Favor

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~ Young Visenya ~10 years old

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~ Young Visenya ~
10 years old

~ Young Visenya ~10 years old

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~ Teen Baelon ~
14 years old

~ Teen Baelon ~14 years old

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"Ugh." Baelon groaned as he fell face first on the bed. The small ball of fur quickly hissed at the newcomer once she noticed her personal space was invaded. "Oh shut it, Hera!" Baelon said as he pushed the cat off the bed and watched it walk towards her owner. "You stay on the bed most of the time anyway." The young Prince said as he turned his head and planted his face in the sheets of the bed while groaning. 

Visenya smiled at her best friend as she walked towards her bed which was now declared Baelon's property. "I guess Aegon is being an asshole again?" She asked as she sat on the bed, caressing his messy dark brown hair. Twirling a strand around her fingers. 

Baelon raised his head and gave her a look. "When is he not?" He asked while turning on his back and putting his head in Visenya's lap. The Princess didn't mind, she just smiled and continued to caress his hair, playing with his locks.

"Alright. What did he do now?" Visenya asked amused. It was early in the morning and she could tell Baelon was lucky enough to know she was a morning person. He walked inside her chambers without saying nothing and just threw himself on her bed. It was a routine he was usually doing when Aegon was messing with him or was pushing him close to the edge of snapping. 

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