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"Let me see if I got it right

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"Let me see if I got it right." Visenya said smiling as she started to talk in High Valyrian. Once she finished she looked expectantly to Baelon who was sitting in front of her and listening ready to correct her. The rays of the sun were falling through the leaves of the tree the two kids were sitting under, making Visenya's silver hair shine in the light as if a halo was resting on her head. For sure, the young girl was looking like an angel. 

"It was better than last time. You still have to work on your pronunciation." Baelon said as he flipped some pages through his book. It's been a few days since the incident with the kitten and now Hera was a new pet for Visenya. What the pair of kids never expected was for the little wild kitten to spend it's days in the Princess's chambers rather than go outside with them. 

"I am bored." Visenya sighed as she lied on the grass and put her head in Baelon's lap. "Read me a story, please." She asked while closing her eyes as she let the shadows of the leaves dance on her pale face. Visenya enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the soft wind that was touching her cheeks.

"What book do you want me to read?" Baelon asked as he started to search through the books he brought with him. However, he knew he wasn't going to search for long as he anticipated the answer to his question.

"The Golden Egg!" Visenya said with enthusiasm as she sit up smiling wide.

Baelon rolled his eyes. "Of course you do." He mumbled under his breath as a small smile was resting on his face. He took the book in his hands and looked at it's cover then at the girl next to him. "You know, I don't understand why you are not reading it yourself. I've read it more times than I could count." Baelon said placing the book in Visenya's hands.

The Princess looked surprised at the book in her hands and then turned to her uncle. "First of all, just because I started to learn how to read and write that doesn't make me an expert." Visenya said with a pout. She then took one of Baelon's hands and put the book in it. "Besides, I love it when you read it to me. Your voice is calm and beautiful." Visenya complimented.

Baelon had to turn his face to the side to hide the embarrassment he felt in that moment. Her words, her smile, the way she looked at him with such honesty dancing in her eyes, Baelon often wondered if Visenya knew that no matter how hard he tried, he was going to fall for those things. A Princess with the face of an angel that nobody was able to refuse. Everyone in the court knew that, and everyone that met Visenya often said that the gods blessed their eyes with the beauty of an angel on earth. 

"Fine. But it's the last time I'm reading this for you." Baelon said. It was a lie. He knew that. She knew that. But they chose to let it be. Baelon crossed his legs and then patted his knee. Visenya smiled wide as she lied down once again and put her head in his lap, preparing herself to hear again her favorite story. However, just when Baelon was about to start to read, they were interrupted.

"Visenya." The voice sounded into the garden. The kids turned their attention towards the entrance to see Laenor Velaryon approaching them. Visenya stood up quickly and run towards him.

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