24: Wolf

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The opponent fell to the ground with a thud as Cregan Stark raised his spear and yelled in victory

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The opponent fell to the ground with a thud as Cregan Stark raised his spear and yelled in victory. The crowd stood up, roaring and cheering for the Lord of the North. 

"Goodness, that was one hell of a strike." Aegon said as he clapped while looking at the poor man that was unlucky enough to fight against Cregan.

"I must agree." Visenya said impressed. She knew a good fighter when she saw one, and Cregan was for sure an admirable fighter. 

"Well well. Look who got into the finals." Aegon said bumping his elbow into his brother. The four teens turned their heads towards the place board and their eyes widened at the sight of the two finalists. 

"Oh my..." Helaena gasped as she covered her mouth.

"Cregan and Baelon." Visenya said serious. Suddenly she felt somebody wrapping their arms around her arm and she sighed while rubbing her aunt's hands to reassure her.

"Who do you think will win?" Lucerys asked excited as he too was looking at the board.

"What kind of question is that? The answer is of course Baelon." Jace said while putting his hands behind his head.

"He better win." Aemond said while folding his arms in front of his chest. "Otherwise shame will fall upon our house and then the Starks will be seen as a threat to us." He said turning to Visenya, somehow searching for her approval, before he turned back.

It was a small habit he had since he was little. Visenya being the smart one in the group and learning a lot of things and also being appreciated for it, was idolized by the younger kids. Because of this, Aemond started to search for her approval in everything he said or did when she was around him, and made a habit out of it. After the eye incident he tried to get rid of it, but even today he was cursing himself for still searching for the young Princess's approval.

Visenya hummed in agreement, surprising the Prince sitting next to her. "He also needs to not make it look too brutal, otherwise we could be hold to try assassinate the lord of a noble house." She said calmly.

"So in other words, we are fucked either way." Aegon groaned.

"In other words, it's a delicate situation. We can only have patience and trust Baelon that he could handle it as better as he can." Visenya explained looking at Aegon. The older Prince leaned into his fist as he sighed bored.

Suddenly the horn was heard, signaling that the final battle was going to start. "Well, seems like we are going to find out the winner of this tour." Aemond said as he turned and took a seat.

"Baelon is going to be safe, right?" Helaena asked worried while wrapping her arms around Visenya's. The later put her other hand over her aunt's ones and smiled warmly in her direction. 

"I know Baelon, and no matter what, he won't go down without a fight. And if things are getting out of control, I will stop everything." Visenya informed as she put a hand on her best friend's shoulder.

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