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Visenya Targaryen~ 16 years old~

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Visenya Targaryen
~ 16 years old~

Visenya Targaryen~ 16 years old~

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Baelon Targaryen
~20 years~

As I said at the beginning of this book, the ages of the characters will be changed a little from the ages of the show or from the books. I want to mention I have never read the books.

 I want to mention I have never read the books

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"Aegon. Aegon." A voice called the sleeping Prince who was resting in his chambers after a rough night of drinking. The oldest son of the King was mumbling some incoherent words as he turned around in his sleep.

Baelon rolled his eyes at his brother's antics and, since the two didn't have so much time to get ready, he decided to solve the problem as fast as possible. So, he took the flowers from a vase and threw the water on the sleeping figure of his brother.

Aegon jumped out of his bed like a cat. The sight made Baelon chuckle as he remembered that Hera used to do the same thing. Aegon panted as he looked at himself, then at his bed, and then at his brother who was giving him an innocent smile. 

"What. The. Hell?!" He asked angry as Baelon put the vase back on the table and made his way to Aegon. "Are you trying to give me a fucking heart-" Aegon was about to scold when Baelon grabbed his face and inspected him. 

Dark circles were present under Aegon's eyes. His breath stunk like hell. His hair was a complete mess. Yup. This was his brother, and he for sure drank all night. "You look like shit." Baelon concluded as he let his brother go and made his way to the closet.

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