28. Forgiveness

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Rhaenyra looked at the flames dancing, engulfing the wood that was thrown a moment ago

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Rhaenyra looked at the flames dancing, engulfing the wood that was thrown a moment ago. Joffrey was holding tight to his mother as she rubbed his head. 

Jace was walking around the tent, as Luke just watched his brother getting more and more worried. In the end the older boy sighed. "I can't stand it. She should have returned by now." Jace said frustrated.

It has been a long time since the sun dawned and the moon took it's rightful place on the nightly sky, but Visenya still didn't return. The family wasn't worried at first, but after noticing ser Harrold without the girl, and as the hours were passing by, they knew something wasn't right. 

Suddenly the tent opened, as Daemon entered. All of them raised to their feet waiting for news from the silver haired man, but he just sighed and shook his head. Rhaenyra didn't know what she should do, her little girl, her golden sun, was lost somewhere in the woods. 

She turned to the flames, trying to find the answer somewhere in them, but she got nothing. She soon found herself being embraced from behind, and a soft kiss being placed on her left cheek. "Have faith." Daemon's voice echoed in her ear. "Visenya is well trained to survive in the woods on her own." He assured.

Rhaenyra wanted to fight against his words, she wanted to walk outside and make a whole scene, putting every person present to go and search for her sweet child, but she also trusted her daughter. The heir to the throne turned around and faced her husband, looking him right into his eyes. "If I won't have my daughter before my eyes by sunrise, I shall take Syrax and burn the woods down in search for her." She said coldly.

Daemon knew he was protective over the children, but Rheanyra was another whole level. Visenya, who was her first child and the only daughter, not only that, but she was the sun of the family, the whole family was ready to risk everything for her safety, even though they all knew that she was the most lethal among them.

Somewhere, deep in the woods, the dragon princess got out of the water, pulling herself and along with her, the lord of the North. The both choked and panted as they crawled on the ground.

"You....are....completely....mad...." Cregan said though pants as he glared in her direction.

"What?" Visenya asked a sly smirk on her face. "No...'thank you'.....for your....savior?" She asked, using his words.

"You almost got us killed!" Cregan yelled in her face.

"But I did not." She said shrugging, as she got up and untied her hair. 

"Are you always this reckless?" The man asked.

Visenya looked at him. "Oh, I wouldn't know. I am too busy to whine about my duties as a pretty little princess." She said mockingly, before her expression turned cold.

Cregan's expression turned cold too. "If you expect an apology, you won't get one." He stated. Visenya rolled her eyes as she stood up. "Where are you going?" He asked looking after her.

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