22. Mother

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The sun barely came out when Visenya's room was filled with servants ready to prepare her for her birthday

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The sun barely came out when Visenya's room was filled with servants ready to prepare her for her birthday. They were running around, showing her different dresses in different colors as the girl was still sleepy and trying to focus on something.

"I think rubies would look amazing in the lady's hair and a bun!" A maid said as Visenya was siting at her vanity.

"The lady just turned seven and ten! She is not getting married. She should still look young and a bun would only make her more mature." Another maid complained.

"Still, she becomes an adult today." The first maid said while folding her arms in front of her chest.

Visenya sighed tiredly as she put her chin in one of her hands as she looked at the two women arguing about how to do her hair. The sound of somebody clearing their throat caught the people's attention in the room, making them look towards the door, where Rhaenyra was standing.

"Your Grace." The maids said in unison as they bowed in respect to the woman. 

"Mother." Visenya bowed gracefully after she stood up. Rhaenyra smiled in the direction of her daughter, seeing her so beautifully dressed and blessed with such grace before she turned to the maids. 

"What is the matter?" She asked raising an eyebrow. The maids looked at each other before sighing. 

"Forgive us, Your Grace." A maid said. "We couldn't decide how to prepare the Princess's hair." She informed and Rhaenyra turned to look at her daughter. A chuckle left through her lips as she waved her hands.

"If that is all then you can all leave. I will do it myself." The Princess said surprising everyone.

"Your Grace please allow us-" The maids were about to say when Rhaenyra stopped them by raising her hand.

"I believe I am allowed to make my daughter's hair, am I not?" She asked with a smile while raising her eyebrows in question. The women nodded sheepishly. "I told you to leave." Rhaenyra said a little colder now. The women wasted no time and rushed out of the room.

Visenya looked at her mother seeing her smiling in her direction. Rhaenyra walked towards her and picked the brush smiling. "Shall we begin?" She asked tilting her head to the side a little. 

The teen nodded silently as she sit down and faced the mirror. Her mother started to hum as she brushed her hair while staying in silence. "We used to do this more often." Visenya's sudden words made Rhaenyra pause in her movement. She looked in the mirror and noticed her daughter avoiding her eyes.

"Indeed, we did." Rhaenyra sighed, smiling sadly at her daughter's words. When they were in Red Keep and Visenya used to act like a small child who was wild and free, she would always visit Rhaenyra to do her hair or just talk about her day. Even though Visenya and Rhaenyra would often fight about Visenya skipping the Septa lessons or about Rhaenyra being risky with Harwin, the two were really close. But after they went to Dragonstone and Daemon came into the picture, he made sure the two were fulfilling their roles as heirs, and Visenya spend more time learning and training to not be a burden for her mother instead of spending time with her.

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