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Headmaster Seo Dong-Soo


"Come on, we sit over here." Hyunjin said and I grabbed my breakfast tray, following the three boys to a table in the back corner. Already, I saw the other guys from the gas station. And Second Bathroom Boy, who was being blown.

"Gas station guy!" A guy with a Golden Retriever face said and I smiled as I sat.

"Lee Felix, guys. Felix, that's Kim Seungmin, Yang Jeongin or Innie, and that's Lee Min Ho or Lino." Chan introduced me and I waved to them.

"Nice to get a name to the face that interrupted." Lino said and I snorted, grabbing my milk.

"Shouldn't be having sex in public!" I mumbled into my drink, Lino's and Han's faces showing surprise as I drank the milk then set it down. I grabbed my fork to start eating then sighed, looking at them when they were quiet.

"What?" I asked, but Innie grinned.

"Everyone is scared of Lino, yet you tell him off-"

"Have you ever met an angry ass mother of two girls and one boy when you get arrested for a stupid prank? I promise you, nothing in your life will ever terrify you more!" I said and they laughed then Seungmin snorted.

"So, you got here cause of a prank?" He asked and I nodded, eating my food.

"Yeah, but I got off easy cause I did something stupid." I said and Chan frowned.

"Something stupid?" He asked and I sighed.

"A few of my new friends thought it'd be funny to sneak into the school late at night, toss firecrackers into the locker room. None of us realized three girls were still in there with a coach. When we heard the screams, my friends ran away and I ran in. Saved the girls and the coach, stopped the fire from spreading, got sent here." I shrugged and Chan's eyebrows went up.

"You... you saved them?" Hyunjin asked and I nodded, shoveling food into my mouth.

"That's the only reason I'm here and not jail with-"

"Hello, Yongbok!" I heard and turned, my eyes widening as I saw Jong Hyun there.

"What the-"

"Class C!" I heard and looked at Jong Hyun's tie to see it was black as black can be. Fuck!

"You know the rules, new boy!" Security said and grabbed Jong Hyun, but he smirked at me.

"Glad to know I can see you here too, Yongbok!" He grinned as he was dragged away, but I was... Okay, now I was scared! Jong Hyun was the evilest out of the four of us back home, so if he had it out for me now? Shit, I'm fucked!

"Felix, who was that?" I looked at Lino then cleared my throat.

"One-one of the guys from my old school. He-he was supposed to go to prison." I said and looked at the doors again, frowning as I tried to figure out why he was here instead.

"Rich parents?" I looked at Han then shook my head.

"I-I don't know. Jong Hyun never talked about his family, and we always hung out at my house." I said and he nodded, eyeing the doors.

"Class C's who get sent here instead of prison only come here for one of three reasons." Chan said and I looked at him.

"Pay off." He ticked off a finger.

"Rich parents, or the case is still on going." He said, but I shook my head.

"I don't get it! The judge-"

"Lee Yongbok." I heard as a silence fell over the room then I turned and saw Headmaster Seo there with three guards.

"Come with us." He said and I licked my lips, standing and grabbing my bag. As I followed them out, I heard whispers around me, but I hated this. My first fucking day and I'm already rumored about? When we got to the headmaster's office, the security officers stopped outside and I frowned.

"Headmaster Seo, what-"

"As you know, Min Jong Hyun is here now." He said and stood behind his desk.

"He has made numerous threats to you, Lee Yongbok, and so I have pulled you in here to say that our security will be keeping a close eye on you. There was a development with your case." He said and I frowned.


"One of the girls you saved succumbed to her wounds. I'm afraid she didn't make it, Felix." He said and I felt my heart drop. I couldn't even begin to imagine what it was like for the girl's family if I was devastated.

"Her family is asking to come to see you, and we've granted access. They will be here later today, after lunch. Unfortunately, this means your case is being retried as a murder case. You will keep your sentencing, because of your actions, but the other three boys are here and will remain here until trial-"

"Seok and Young Joon are here too?!" I asked and he nodded.

"All three are class C, you will not see them." He promised and I nodded.

"For now, I want you to take the day to familiarize yourself with the grounds. I will not force you to attend classes after what I've told you." He said and I nodded, turning and leaving the headmaster's office. Because I still had thirty minutes left, I went back to breakfast and slowly sat with my new friends.

"Hey, man, you okay?!" Han asked, but I was blankly staring at my food.

"Felix?" Chan called me and I looked at him then licked my lips.

"One-one of the girls died." I whispered and Lino coughed on his food on my left.

"What?!" Innie asked and I cleared my throat.

"One of the girls I sa-saved, she... She died in the hospital this morning, her parents are coming by later to see me." I said and the six guys here gave me looks.

"Are you alright, Felix?" Hyunjin asked and I looked at him then shook my head.

"I-I can't talk about it, cause the case is open again, but Headmaster Seo said I can take the day off from classes." I said and they nodded.

"Well, walk around the academy then. Try and learn your way around." Chan said and I nodded. As we finished breakfast, they went off to class and I went off to wander the grounds.

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