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"Thank you, Lee Yongbok!" The weepy mother sobbed as she held my hand and I nodded, watching as her husband held her shoulders.

"You gave us a chance to say goodbye! We will never be able to repay you!" The man said and I forced a smile, feeling the eyes of my new schoolmates on us. It was big news. Young hero saves three, gets shipped off, one survivor died, parents get school to break rules so they can thank the hero? The school was curious.

"I-I can't even begin to express how sorry I am." I said, but the parents shook their heads and I forced a smile.

"You don't need to be sorry, Lee Yongbok! We got to see her one last time, all thanks to you!" The mother said and I nodded, watching as her husband pulled her back to the car. Once they were gone down the drive, Headmaster Seo came over and sighed.

"Are you alright, Lee Felix?" He asked, making me slightly smirk, but I shook my head.

"No." I said and turned, going through the school towards the garden I'd found earlier. I felt safe there, and I wasn't going to head back to the dorm. Han said he and Lino were having a 'movie' night. Knowing movies weren't really allowed in the dorm, and based on the looks I got from the other two roommates, I chose not to return to the dorm until Chan sent me a text. As I got to the garden, I went towards the fountain and sighed as I sat on the edge, looking down into it at myself.

"Some hero." I whispered, glaring at my wavering reflection.

"Lee Yongbok!" I heard and looked over, my frown deepening as I saw Seok, Jong Hyun, and Young Joon slowly coming over.

"We heard one of those girls died!" Seok said and I glared as I stood, standing even with them.

"Yeah, she did, because of your prank-"

"People don't know how to laugh, Lee Yongbok!" Jong Hyun said and stepped closer to me, crowding me against the fountain.

"Laugh?! A girl died!" I argued, but he grabbed my blue tie and yanked me in.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" He forced a laugh then I tried to shove him away, but he caught my arms and turned me so my back was to them.

"Why don't we send you to see her?!" He laughed then I felt my eyes widen as I felt a hand on my head, shoving me down into the fountain water. I tried to fight them, tried to make them let me go, but I was never the strongest person in the world. I could hear their distorted laughter as my lungs burned, water filling the available space now, then I clenched my eyes as I realized I was going to die.

"Hey, who are you-" I heard then coughed as I was wrenched from the fountain. I hit the ground and promptly threw up my lunch, gasping for air as I looked up to see- Fuck me! He wasn't much shorter than me, I'd guess, but he was stretching out his pristine white shirt as if it was about to tear around him. He had light brown bangs hanging over his eyes some, a slightly angled jawline, and-

"Black tie!" I breathed, when I could breathe, then the guy moved and stood between me and three people I used to call friends.

"I usually don't get involved." Fuck, is that his voice?!

"Except you three ganged up on this guy and what? He was a decent human being, so you tried to kill him? Which, from what I did hear, you enjoy seeing people hurt." The mystery man said as I pushed myself up so I was sitting on the ground, watching the three. Then I realized Jong Hyun was sporting a bloody nose now. Did this guy punch Jong Hyun?! Is he crazy?!

"Get out of here-"

"You broke my nose, you bitch!" Jong Hyun yelled, but this mystery man scoffed.

"I'll show you broken if you don't go!" He growled and the three turned, running out of here. As the mystery man turned to me, I nearly crawled backwards in fear, but he kneeled and wrapped a jacket around my shoulders. His jacket, based on the fact that he wasn't wearing one.

"You alright?" He asked and I nodded, holding his jacket closed around me.

"Th-thank you!" I breathed and he nodded.

"Come on, let's get you to your dorm." He said and helped me stand, wrapping an arm around my waist when I nearly fell.

"I've got you." He said and effortlessly swept me off my feet, holding me in his arms as I hugged his neck and kept my eyes on him.

"I'm Lee Felix." I said and he glanced at me.

"Yeah, heard about you. Saved some girls and a coach, but one of the girls died. Sorry about that, I'm sure it sucked to hear." He said as we went into the class A wing then I licked my lips.

"M-143." I said and he nodded, walking to my dorm. As he set me down outside it, he sighed and looked up the couple inches between us to glare at me.

"Stay away from those guys-"

"I-I planned to, they came after me." I said and he snorted, licking his bottom lip. Fuck, have I always thought that was hot?!

"Well, stay with a group then, Lee Felix. Don't need to-" He stopped as the door to the dorm whipped opened then I saw Chan standing there looking afraid. His calculating eyes took me in, then the mystery man, then they dropped to the black tie, and looked back at me.

"Felix, it's almost dinner." He said and I nodded, looking at the man again.

"Thank you for saving me." I said and he snorted.

"Stay with a fucking group, Lee Felix." He said and turned, storming off down the hall. Then I remembered I had his blazer.

"Hey, wait-" I stopped as he went down the steps then I whined.

"Felix, now!" Chan hissed and I looked at him then nodded, going into the room.

"Are you insane?!" Han asked from his bed, but I pulled the black blazer off and eyed it. God, it looked stretched around the shoulders and arms!

"What?" I asked and set the blazer on my bed, pulling my wet blazer off and dropping it so I could also change my wet shirt.

"You stay away from him, Felix!" Chan said and I scoffed, turning to him.

"Why?! Cause he's a black tie-"

"Because he's the worst of the black ties, Felix! That's Seo Changbin, the headmaster's own son! He's the guy that beat a man to death right here on the grounds!"

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