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I held his arm tightly as we walked through the crowded festival then noticed people... avoiding us. I looked at Changbin then saw his face set in a hard glare and smiled softly, lacing my fingers with his when I realized he was doing it for me.

"Come on, I want to go to the art row!" I said and he nodded, going with me to the art section. As we walked, I bought a couple prints to spruce up the dorm at the academy then I found a cute couple's print.

"Changbin, look!" He looked then smirked. On one print, there was a cute pink cartoon rabbit with a leather jacket on and the other print had a cute yellow cartoon chicken. They were at the edge of the prints so that, when you held them together, it looked like they were holding hands. Behind them was a pretty oak tree, split in half by the break in prints.

"How much?" Changbin asked and I looked at him in surprise, but he bought the prints and they got put in protective sleeves then a bag before being handed to us.


"You like cute chickens, plus we can each take a half." He said and I smiled as he held the bag in one hand, holding my hand in his other hand.

"You're deceptive!" I said and he looked at me curiously.

"How so?" He asked, but I shook my head.

"You... you look mean, like you could snap me in half with a finger, you act cold and angry. In reality, you're soft. You're so funny and sweet, you take care of me, you're romantic." I said and he smirked, his fingers tightening on my hand.

"Is that so?" He asked and I nodded, looking around the festival with him.

"Anything you want to look at?" I asked and looked at him, but he shook his head. I nodded, continuing to walk aimlessly with him, then I slowed as we got to a stall with a bunch of music stuff. His eyes were latched onto the stall and I smiled, pulling him over.

"Hi!" The girl behind the stall grinned and I smiled.

"Hello!" I said and looked at Changbin, who was completely ignoring me and I was okay with it!

"Are you guys interested in music?" I looked up at the big guy that came over then nodded.

"Well, my boyfriend is!" I said and looked at Changbin, but he was eyeing the music production setup on the computer. It looked like it was there so people could play with it.

"Changbin?" I poked his arm and he looked at me.

"Huh? What?" He asked and looked at the two people then went red.


"It's alright, man! I'm Kim Jin Seok, or BM. This is Jeon Ji Woo, we call her Jiwoo." He said and I waved.

"I'm Lee Felix and this is Seo Changbin!" I said and BM smiled.

"Nice to meet you two! Changbin, are you interested? Felix says you like music!" Jiwoo said and Changbin looked at me then cleared his throat.

"It-it's more a hobby-"

"Binnie, I've seen your laptop! And you've shown me practice tracks, you're good!" I said and he went impossibly red then BM eyed him.

"Hey, five minute challenge. You up for it?" He asked and Changbin nodded. I watched as BM took the laptop then he clicked some stuff, turning it back to Changbin. Then I saw he had a clean slate.

"Here, make a song with our stuff loaded up. Headphones." BM handed Changbin the headphones then I let him go as he slid them on, leaning over some and making a song.

"You guys perform?" I asked Jiwoo, but she shook her head.

"We run a label, KARD Entertainment, and we're here to bring in new hires or idols. There's two more of us, but they're out running advertisement." Jiwoo said and I nodded.

"What about you boys?" BM asked and I sighed.

"We're here on a school trip-"

"That reformatory academy, right? Uh... Strickland!" Jiwoo said and I nodded.

"Changbin and I are both students-"

"If you don't mind me asking, what put you there?" BM asked and I sighed.

"Well, I got sent there cause of a prank gone too far! Changbin is the headmaster's son, but he's a student now cause he got into a big fight that ended badly." I said and Jiwoo frowned.

"Badly?" She asked, but I shook my head.

"I'll let him say if he wants to." I said and she nodded.

"So, what are you interested in, Felix? If Changbin likes music, what about you?" She asked and I hummed.

"I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher, I just love little kids! Except, well, now I don't think I will be!" I said and Jiwoo pouted.

"Because you got sent to Strickland?" She asked and I nodded, looking at Changbin as he pulled the headphones off. He turned the laptop to the duo then Jiwoo grabbed one side, holding it next to her ear and BM leaned down to listen to what Changbin had done.

"You okay?" He asked me and I nodded, smiling as I held his arm.

"Perfectly perfect!" I said and looked at the duo to see surprise on their faces. As the song ended, BM looked at Jiwoo then Changbin.

"Hey, uh, how much longer are you at that Academy?" He asked and Changbin frowned.

"Another year. Why?" He asked and Jiwoo reached into her pocket, grabbing her phone and holding it out to Changbin.

"Because, we could use someone of your talent at KARD Entertainment." She said and Changbin lit up with joy, but he hid it well.

"Se-seriously?!" He asked and BM nodded.

"You're almost as good as J.Seph, our top producer. That says a lot, he's been in the business his whole life. You say this is a hobby? I say you've got a great ear, man, and we'd be happy to have you. Regardless of your academy status." He said then Changbin looked at me, but I nodded and he looked at Jiwoo. He hesitantly took her phone, in case it was a joke, then put his number in and handed the device back.

"You... you really want me at your company?" He asked and Jiwoo nodded.

"We'd be honored to have someone of your talent at the company." She said and he nodded, nearly grinning from being so happy.

"See?! I told you! Good things come to good people!" I said and Changbin looked at me then chuckled.

"Fucking sunshine, Angel!" He said and I grinned.

"You love it!" I said and he smirked, shaking his head.

"Let's go before you rope me into something else, you damn devil!" He said and I grinned, waving to the duo then we kept walking, but I saw just how happy my boyfriend was.

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