
22 1 1

Three Years Later
I walked into the café then smiled as I went up to the counter, waiting until I got to the register.

"Hi, what can I get you?" She asked and I smiled.

"I'm picking up an order, should be under Jeon Somin." I said and she nodded. I stepped aside then sighed as I grabbed my phone, looking at it to see Chan asking if I'd make it to the dinner tonight. I quickly texted back, saying I'd be there this month, then I looked up when Somin's name was called.

"Thank you!" I smiled and took the drink carrier, my drink that was separate, and the bag of food. As I left the café, I walked back down the road to the company then I smiled at the receptionist as I went in.

"I mean, really, you can't snort noodles-"

"Is that a challenge-"

"Matt, stop snorting noodles!" I said as I walked into the studio and BM grinned at me, Jiwoo and Somin snickering.

"That is definitely-"

"Do it and I tell J.Seph!" I said and his jaw dropped.

"You want me to die?!" He asked as I set my stuff down then I rolled my eyes.

"Snort damn noodles and you will!" I said then handed Somin and Jiwoo their coffees, grabbing mine and sipping it.

"Bastard!" BM complained, grabbing his, but Jiwoo grinned.

"Gentleman!" She said and looked at me.

"Your dinner is tonight, right? With your friends?" She asked and I nodded, smiling at her.

"All... seven of them?" Somin asked and I sighed, my smile dropping as I looked at my cup.

"He-he's not... I mean, not... not yet." I said and frowned as I shook my head.

"He will be soon though, he-he promised." I said and looked at them.

"Changbin, it's been three years since he left! It's always 'next time' with him!" BM said, but I shook my head.

"No, he-he's just busy! I mean, I-I get it-"

"He can't keep dragging this out, Changbin! Felix has been in Australia three years, and he promises you once a month that he's going to be back, but he never shows! He's leading-" Jiwoo stopped as J.Seph came in, but he read the room and sighed.

"Did he promise this month too?" He asked, but I shook my head.

"No, I-I haven't heard from him at all the last two weeks." I said and felt a little worried.

"Well, I have a surprise for you then." J.Seph said and I looked at him confused.

"What?" I asked, but he snickered.

"Chan will give it to you at your dinner, Changbin! Which means you need to leave in an hour!" He said and I nodded, quickly wrapping up my work then going home to change for the dinner. We liked to meet up once a month, catch up on what we missed. Typically, it was the seven of us there, but we also hung out separately together throughout the month. This was just a night for us all. When I got to the restaurant, the staff waved to me and I smiled, going back to the table.

"HAN, SIT DOWN!" I heard and smirked, shaking my head as I went to the private room Seungmin always rented out for us. As I walked in, I heard screams then I was hugged and I sighed, holding Hyunjin.

"You came!" He said and I rolled my eyes, shoving him back.

"Said I would-"

"We missed you last month, Changbin!" Innie said as I went to sit then I eyed the eighth chair, the one we always had, but that always remained empty.

"Sorry, Changbin." Chan said as he saw me looking, but I shook my head and looked at Chan.

"J.Seph said you had a surprise for me." I said and he nodded, smiling as he grabbed an envelope from his jacket.

"Here. This came to my place for you." He said and I frowned, taking the envelope. As I opened it, I grabbed the paper then felt my throat close up as I saw the familiar writing.

"Who sent it?" Lino asked, but Chan gave him a look as I pulled the letter out fully, unfolding it to read.

Hi, Binnie!
I know I'm a pain in the ass right now, because I keep breaking my promise about coming home. I'm so sorry, so I'm making it up. I bought you and Chan tickets to come here, if you want to, and this way you can help me. This time, I'm really coming back to Seoul and I want you to drag me if something holds me up! I'm so sorry, but there's a lot that I want to tell you in person. I just hope things aren't awkward when we see each other! Three years away from your boyfriend is way too long, and I'm going to try and make up for it! I love you, Binnie, see you later!

I set the letter down then opened the envelope again, tears filling my eyes as I saw two plane tickets to Sydney.

"Changbin's crying?!" Han cried, but I looked at Chan and he smiled softly.

"He explained to me, Changbin, and... Fuck, Felix needs our help! He's stuck, man, that's why he's not been here!" He said and I frowned, shaking my head.

"St-stuck? I-I don't-"

"He's better at explaining than I am, but... He really wants to see you, if you go-"

"If?! As if that is a damn question!" I scoffed and Chan grinned.

"Then, well, we leave in three days. J.Seph and them already cleared your time for it, so-"

"Wait, he's going to Australia?!" Lino asked and I nodded, looking at the tickets. Finally, I had Felix in my hands. I would be able to see him again!

"Thank you, Chan!" I breathed and looked at him, trying not to cry.

"Felix needs us, he needs you, and we're going to bring him back to Seoul together. I promise." He said and I nodded, putting the tickets and letter into my own jacket. And if I read that letter incessantly the next three days, well, that's my business.

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