Twenty Seven

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I heard the door to the apartment open and heard him pull his shoes off, but I didn't stand to greet him like I usually did. Instead, I stayed on the couch and brought the wine glass up to my lips, staring at the wall as I sipped the red wine.

"Felix?!" He called and came in, slowing to a stop.

"You're drinking red wine. What happened?" He asked and I snorted, tilting my head back and drinking the rest of my glass before I leaned forward, pouring another glass.

"You know me so well!" I whispered and set the bottle down, glancing at him.

"Fly is down." I said and he cursed, doing up the fly.

"Shit, must have forgotten when I went pee before leaving-"

"Yeah, sure." I said and brought the glass to my lips.

"Felix, I-I don't get it. What's with the-" He stopped as someone knocked on the door then I sighed and stood, going past him. As I opened the door, I saw Mingi there with Hongjoong, but they looked angry.

"Changbin!" Mingi growled, but I put my hand on his chest and he stopped.

"Felix, what's going on?" Changbin asked as my friends came in, but I said nothing as I went to the couch and grabbed my bag.

"Baby?!" Changbin asked and I looked at him then forced a smile.

"Coming home late I could excuse, working extra days I understood, even missing the majority of our dinner because you were exhausted! But you coming out of the bathroom with the receptionist?! And her fixing her clothes and hair?! Then you come home with your fly down!" I laughed and shook my head, feeling tears in my eyes.

"And the fucking perfume!" I hissed and glared at him.

"You're working with a girl group, and I know they wear perfume so whatever! Except I've hugged each member of that group and none of them wear stupid sweet candy perfume, which you come home with on you every damn day!" I growled and Hongjoong came over, setting a hand on my arm.

"Felix, take a deep breath-"

"Yeah, please, because I'm not cheat-"

"Stop lying to me!" I yelled and Changbin stopped, looking hurt.

"Just-just stop! Please, not to me!" I begged and he clenched his fists.

"For fuck's sake, I've known you damn near four years, Changbin! I know you better than Hongjoong, Yunho, or Seonghwa and they've been your friends longer than any of us! I know you so well, so please, stop lying to me! I can see it when you lie!" I admitted and he cast his eyes to the floor, not saying anything.


"Don't!" I hissed and he looked at me, tears in his eyes.

"Please, please, Changbin! Do not!" I said and shook my head. I handed my bag to Hongjoong then reached back, pulling my necklace off.

"No, please-" Changbin stopped as I dropped the necklace on the floor then I shook my head.

"I tried to believe that you'd wait for me, Changbin! I tried to believe that you would wait until I came back, that you waited three years, but I guess I was wrong! Once a bad boy, always a bad boy, right?! I'm no better than the 'I can change the bad boy' Innocents, I suppose!" I growled and he shook his head, but Hongjoong put a hand on my back.

"Come on, the car is out front." Mingi said and held his hand out. I took it then we left the apartment, but I refused to cry. Not until I was in the car, curled up in the back seat, and sobbing into my knees.

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