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"He said he'll be here." Chan said as we got off the plane and I nodded, going with him to get our luggage. As we walked towards the entrance of airport, I felt my heart pounding at the thought that we were this close.


"BINNIE!" I heard and dropped my bags as I suddenly had arms and legs around me. I quickly wrapped my arms around the person, so I didn't drop them, then I realized who it was and felt tears spring to my eyes.

"Angel!" I breathed, gripping his shirt tighter, then he whined as he hugged me impossibly tight.

"You came!" He whispered into my neck and I nodded.

"And you're coming home with me, Felix, or so help me!" I breathed and he laughed, moving his head back so I could see him. Fuck, he's just as beautiful as he was three years ago!

"They're showing!" I breathed, seeing his pretty eyes and the freckles.

"Mhm! I haven't covered them in three years!" He said and leaned down, pecking my lips. It wasn't enough, it would never be enough. He got off me then I got by bags and Chan chuckled.

"Damn, I don't get a kiss-"

"Fuck off, you get to suck Jeongin's ass!" Felix said and Chan rolled his eyes. Chan and Jeongin were a new couple, like last week new, so the fact that Felix knew...

"You were talking?" I asked and Felix looked at me then rolled his lips in.

"Barely, he was sending me messages and I just got through them today." He said and I nodded, feeling a bit better about him knowing.

"Come on, the car is waiting." Felix said and grabbed my arm, pulling me outside. As we got out, I saw a man standing by the car we were heading to and Felix immediately put space between us, which made me frown.

"You must be Bang Chan and Seo Changbin." The man said and I nodded.

"You are?"

"Changbin, this is my dad." Felix said and I eyed the man, who was eyeing Chan's gay pride tattoo on his forearm.

"Are you... gay?" Mr. Lee asked and Chan eyed him.

"I am, Mr. Lee-"

"Interesting." Mr. Lee said then looked at Felix.

"Get them in the car." He said and went to get behind the wheel.

"Nice guy." Chan whispered, but Felix said nothing as he helped us get the bags into the car. As we got in, Felix sat up front and I eyed Mr. Lee, trying to figure him out, until I realized what the deal was with Felix, why he couldn't come back. I quickly grabbed my phone then texted Chan.

Changbin: Is his dad homophobic?! 12:52PM
Chan: I'm thinking, which might be why he couldn't leave. 12:52PM
Changbin: Do you think he's keeping Felix basically locked up here? 12:53PM
Chan: You saw how he reacted to my tattoo. If his son said he was gay, dating a guy, and going back to Seoul to live with said guy? I'm sure Felix has been trying to get back, but his dad is keeping him here. 12:53PM

I looked at Mr. Lee as we drove then I glanced at Felix to see his eyes on the road, his posture stiff, and his hands in his lap. I wanted to text him, but I didn't know if his dad would see the texts or not. I looked at Chan then saw him glaring at Mr. Lee as we drove, but I bumped Chan's leg and he looked at me then looked away. When we got to the house, Felix helped us get our things out and we went inside.

"You and Chan will be sharing the guest room, Changbin. There's two beds in there, so you don't share, and there's a bathroom for you to use as well." Mr. Lee said as we walked inside and I nodded, eyeing the family photos. For a time, Mr. Lee disappears, then he reappears beside Felix's mother and the family, but that was obviously after her accident based on Felix's hair alone.

"Mrs. Lee is alright?" Chan asked and Mr. Lee turned to us as we went upstairs.

"My wife is fine!" He said and I frowned some at the hostility, but we went to the guest room and Mr. Lee left us. Felix eyed his father's retreating back as Chan and I got settled, but I looked at Felix as he shut the door.

"Felix-" I stopped as he came over and hugged me, taking in a shuddery breath.

"Please, Changbin! Take me home, please!" He begged me as I hugged him and I sighed, nodding some.

"We're going to, Angel." I promised and felt his fingers in my shirt.

"He's been stopping you, hasn't he?" Chan asked and Felix nodded as he moved back some to talk to Chan.

"I tried to leave when my mom was finally out of the intensive care, come back to Seoul, but dad blocked all my accounts and I couldn't get a flight. Then he kept demanding I put him in charge of my money and- The money I used to get your tickets, I had to hide from him! Rachel and Olivia are trying to help me, but they can only do so much with their own lives!" He said and I nodded, holding his waist.

"We're here three days, baby, then we're all leaving! The three-"

"I've got you a ticket on our flight home." Chan said and I looked at him then Felix whined.


"My dad is the CEO of the plane company, he pulled special strings for us." He said and I smiled.

"See, Felix? It's alright!" I said and he nodded, looking so sad.

"I've missed you, Binnie!" He whispered and I smiled.

"It was a lot later, but we're back together. See?" I said and he nodded, reaching out and grabbing the faded gold pendent around my neck.

"I still have mine, it's in my room." He said and I smirked.

"Hey." I looked at Chan then he smiled.

"I'll take you both out with me and try to give you space, so Mr. Lee has no idea what's going on. That way, you can see each other." He said and Felix grinned.

"Thank you, Chris!" He whispered and Chan nodded.

"I want to see my family while here anyway." He said and Felix nodded, the mood lightening as we got settled and prepared for the first of three days here in Sydney.

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