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I silently stared at the table, my fork twirling in my hand, but I wasn't eating. I couldn't. My mind was too wrapped around my day, and Seo Changbin.

"Felix, you need to eat." I lifted my eyes to look at Chan then frowned.

"I'm not hungry." I said and he frowned.

"Are you thinking-"

"What happened with Seo Changbin?" I asked and looked at the now silent table.

"How do you know him already?!" Lino asked, but Chan told them about my evening.

"Are you okay?!" Innie asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Please answer my question!" I said and Lino huffed, turning to me.

"Three years ago, when Seo Changbin was an Innocent, a silver tie, he was well liked around the grounds. Everyone loved him, despite him being the headmaster's son! Three months before he went off to some overseas high school to learn living abroad, there was a body found in the old shed out by the woods. The student was a red tie, he'd been beat to death, and another student came forward and said it was Seo Changbin who had done it. An investigation was launched, and everything pointed to Seo Changbin, he even confessed to doing it, and he's been living here as a black tie since-"

"You're only a black tie for this long if you took this over prison, and his dad paid a lot of money to keep him here instead of sending him off." Chan said and I frowned.

"How long have you two been here?" I asked and Lino sighed.

"Strickland Academy isn't just for the criminals, Felix! It's for the parents who want to hide their children, ship them off to learn manners, or who just don't want to admit they have children." He said and I wondered where Lee Min Ho fell in that.

"So, he... he beat a kid to death, only one person saw it, and Seo Changbin-"

"Lee Felix." I looked up at Headmaster Seo then stood and followed him out. When we got to his office, I slowed as I saw the broad shoulders and back standing at the window facing away from me. His arms were crossed over his chest, making his shirt stretch even more, but he didn't have a blazer. Because it's currently in my bed.

"Headmaster?" I asked as I stopped in front of the desk then Seo Changbin turned to look at me as his dad sat in his chair.

"My son informed me of what happened earlier." Headmaster Seo said and I licked my lips.

"Ye-yes." I whispered and Headmaster Seo nodded.

"Are you alright? I can send you to the town hospital if-"

"No, I'm okay." I said and he nodded, looking at his son.

"Well, there is something I am doing." Headmaster Seo said and looked at me.

"A special exception I am making, because my son asked, and he never asks for anything." Headmaster Seo said and I nodded.

"O-okay." I said then the headmaster sighed.

"I want you to know you can refuse-"

"What is it, Headmaster?" I asked and he nodded.

"My son has asked I put you in his care." He said and I frowned, looking at Seo Changbin.


"My son is listed as a black tie, but the only time he has ever gotten violent since coming here as a class C was when you were in danger. I am making the exception of putting you in his care, as though he is your personal body guard." Headmaster Seo said and I looked at him.

"Sir, won't-won't that upset the parents of the class A students?" I asked and he sighed.

"You let me deal with that. Right now, your case is top news in the country, and I can't afford to let something happen to you. I would have more than angry parents at my door." He said and I nodded, looking at Seo Changbin.

"You can refuse-"

"Okay." I said and saw both Seo men looked surprised.

"Okay?!" Headmaster Seo asked and I nodded.

"Seo Changbin, I am in your care." I said and bowed at the waist, keeping my head down until he cleared his throat.

"Get up." He ordered and I got up then I looked at him.

"Jesus, don't need to act so formal!" He said and Headmaster Seo sighed.

"He will meet you at your dorm in the mornings, walk you to all of your classes, walk you to meals, sit with you during meals-"

"If I'm not in my dorm or in a class, he's there?" I asked and Headmaster Seo nodded.

"I don't want another incident like earlier to happen, Lee Felix. Already bad enough the incident happened in the first place." He said and I nodded, looking at Seo Changbin.

"You-you can just call me Felix." I said and his lips curled slightly at the end.

"Call me Changbin." He said and I nodded.

"Changbin, please walk him back to dinner then to his dorm-"

"I-I have an hour reserved at the library tonight for my research paper." I said and Headmaster Seo nodded.

"Then take him to dinner and the library, then his dorm." Changbin nodded then came around and stopped beside me. Then I realized he was waiting for me.

"O-oh, right, yeah." I said and turned, leaving the office with him. As we walked back towards the dining hall, I felt the tension rolling off him and cleared my throat.

"Why-" I stopped as my voice cracked and saw him smirking. Bastard.

"Why did you ask me to be in your care if you don't want me to be?" I asked and he frowned.

"You're tense." I said and he sighed, looking up at me.

"I'm not tense cause of you. Last time I was at dinner with the class A group, I was..." He trailed and I noticed his hands clench then sighed.

"When you were a silver tie." I said and he nodded.

"Well, you're with me! I know it's not much, but you'll at least have someone to talk to!" I said and he looked at me then snorted.

"You always a ball of sunshine?" He asked and I grinned.

"Not always, just when I'm making new friends!" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"We're not friends! I'm just looking out for my dad-"

"Sure, Changbin!" I said and pushed open the doors to the dining hall and was met with silence.

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