Thirty Three

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"Dong-Soo!" I greeted and he grinned as he saw me.

"Felix!" I went over then hugged the older Seo and he laughed as he held me.

"Look at you boys, all grown up!" He said as he let go and smiled as he saw his son.

"Changbin, you're grown up."

"Hi, dad." Changbin smiled and hugged his father. Then I saw students eyeing us curiously and laughed.

"Still don't allow visitors?" I asked and Dong-Soo laughed.

"No, Felix, that is why you are special exceptions!" Dong-Soo said and hugged my shoulders, my arm around his waist.

"Come, let's get you boys inside before it rains!" He said and I saw some class A students gather our things. As we went inside, I leaned into the older Seo man and knew Changbin was happy for me. I never had that father figure, thanks to my father being what he is, so his dad had claimed that spot and taken me in as his son.

"It hasn't changed at all!" I said and Dong-Soo laughed.

"Our security has been upgraded, but yes. For the most part, the school is the same as when you boys were here!" He said then we got to a bunch of photos and I stopped, everyone stopping.

"Look, it's us!" I said and pointed to the photo, seeing the sixteen of us together out in the yard. If I remembered right, Hyunjin had set his camera on a tripod and put a timer on it to ensure he was in the photo.

"I remember that!" Wooyoung laughed and I shook my head.

"God, look at us!"

"We look so different!" Chan said and I grinned.

"Can we get copies of this?" I asked Dong-Soo and he nodded.

"Of course! I'll have the prefect make copies-"

"Oh, good lord!" Seonghwa groaned and we laughed at him. He had exposed his hatred of that title and we could only sympathize with the Innocent.

"Come on." Dong-Soo laughed and we kept walking. And, just as it had been four years ago, the school was separated by class A, B, C, and staff. We ended up in the staff wing, so we weren't with the students, but I was just happy each couple had their own rooms to use. Which meant I had a room with Changbin.

"Welcome back, baby." He said and I grinned, turning and kissing him.

"Look, it's my bed." He said and I eyed the bed, realizing it was his bed from his dorm.

"Damn, your dad is serious about us being together!" I laughed and looked at him.

"You know..." Changbin grinned and I eyed him, liking and not liking his tone.

"We never got to really make use of it back then." He said and I frowned.

"We slept in it-"

"Felix!" He laughed, making me realize his meaning.

"Oh. Oh! Oh, uh, yeah!" I laughed and he shook his head.

"Also, do not just drop a sexual comment like that on me again! I nearly drove off the road!" He said and I giggled, hugging his neck and kissing him.

"You loved it-"

"I did, but I don't think Lino, Han, Hongjoong, Mingi, Seungmin, and Hyunjin would have liked to die because you decided to wait four years to answer a frigging question!" He said and I snickered, kissing him again.

"Sorry if I take a bit to answer questions!" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm happy we're back here though." He said and I nodded, holding his cheeks.

"And, we're here just in time for the dance." He said and I frowned.

"Dance?" I asked and he sighed.

"Right, you never got to experience it. My dad throws a Fall dance every year, but you left just before Fall started." He said and I nodded.

"I vaguely remember hearing something about an upcoming dance before I left." I said as he let me go, turning to unpack our bags for the weeklong trip we had planned here.

"Yeah, well, that's it." He said as I pushed the sheer curtains back on the bed, opening the canopy.

"Do we have anything to wear to this?" I asked and he snorted.

"Dad's working on getting us suits. Well, suits for those that wear them, suits and dresses for the genderfluid guys." He said and I nodded.

"It's awesome your dad is super supportive of all this. Us, our sexualities." I said and sat on the end of the bed then he smiled.

"Yeah, he's pretty open considering he's married to a man-"

"Wait, you've got two dads?!" I asked and he grinned as he hung up my shirts.

"Yes, my love! My other dad is in Yongin, but we don't see him as often. He's a detective, works undercover a lot. Dad and I try and stick together, make things easier on Pops." He said and I snorted.

"I need to meet Pops then!" I said and he grinned.

"He's going to be here this week I think." He said and I frowned as I thought.

"How long have they been married?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Twenty... five- No, twenty six years." He said and turned, hanging up my pants.

"But you're only twenty three?" I questioned and he nodded.

"Yeah, they got married and wanted a son, so they used that uh... surrogate thing? Where the woman has a baby for the couple-"

"Surrogate, yeah. So, Dong-Soo is your biological father?" I asked and he snorted, turning to me.

"No, actually, though many people think he is. Pops is my biological father, but they both raised me. Trust me, you see me next to Pops, you'll see it." He said and I nodded.

"I like that, that you had that support and open mindedness growing up." I said and he smiled as he came over and forced me back onto the bed, leaning over me.

"Well, one of us had to have a loving home and we both know it wasn't you!" He grinned in jest and softly kissed me, making me moan.

"Want to break in the bed before dinner?" I whispered as I hugged his neck and he grinned, grabbing me and moving me further up the bed.

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