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I looked into the bed space then saw him still asleep on his stomach and smiled, going over and climbing over the bed. As I put my hands on either side of his head, I leaned down and softly kissed his shoulder. He hummed, turning his face to the side more so that the right half of his face was showing, then I grinned and pulled his hair back off his neck, softly kissing his neck.

"Felix!" I whispered into the skin there, hearing him whine as I moved up to kiss his neck. When I found that sensitive spot, he softly moaned and I grinned, lightly nipping the spot and making him shudder.

"Binnie!" He grumbled, voice extra deep from sleep, then his brown eye cracked open and I smiled as I moved, softly pressing my lips to the side of his lips that I could see.

"It's my day off!" He whined and I nodded.

"I know, baby, but I wanted to say bye! I made you breakfast, it's in the microwave so it doesn't get cold." I said and he smiled.

"Okay." He mumbled then I leaned down, softly kissing his bicep as he held the pillow beneath his head.

"You're going to be late, baby!" He said and I snickered.

"I promise, the CEOs will understand why I'm late if they saw you like this!" I whispered and pushed my nose against his cheek, making him hum as I softly kissed him.

"I love your freckles!" I whispered and he slowly turned onto his back, looking up at me.

"Binnie, I am not getting an angry call from Jiwoo because you were late to the meeting today." He mumbled and I nodded, leaning down to softly kiss him. Morning breath be damned, this was my fucking boyfriend and I'd kiss him if I damn well pleased!

"Mm, she is mean when I'm running late!" I mumbled on his lips and he nodded, fingers digging into my arms.

"She is!" He whispered as I kissed him again, lightly nipping his lip. He moaned on my mouth then I moved to lay on him entirely, but he pushed a knee into my stomach.

"Hey!" I groaned, but he grinned.

"Go!" He said and I snickered, pecking his lips.

"Love you." I whispered and he reached up, pushing my hair back some only for it to fall in my face again.

"Love you too, Mr. Late." He said and I rolled my eyes, kissing him then getting off the bed.

"See you tonight at eight?" He asked and I looked at him then saw the nearly hidden fear there.

"At eight, eight thirty at the latest." I said and he nodded, laying on his side and holding my pillow as he watched me.

"Go." He whispered and I nodded, kissing my fingers then blowing the imaginary kiss at him. He grinned as I did then I went to the living room, grabbing my jacket and bag before leaving the apartment. And, even with the distraction this morning, I managed to beat Jiwoo to the meeting.

"Just waiting on Jiwoo now." J.Seph said and we laughed.

"Going to be waiting a while." BM laughed and I nodded, remembering my morning and smiling to myself.

"I noticed you're only wearing one now." Somin said and I looked at her then smiled and nodded.

"He's wearing his half." I said and she grinned.

"I take it things are good with you two then?" J.Seph asked and I smirked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yeah, they're... I owe Han and Minho. They made us talk, and I don't think we'd be this good if we hadn't talked." I said and BM nodded.

"Don't let Han hear that he was right-"

"God, he'd get a bigger head than he has!" Somin complained and we laughed, looking at the door as Jiwoo came in finally with a coffee in hand.


"Traffic!" We chorused and she rolled her eyes, sitting with us as I sat up in my seat.

"Changbin, you're happy today!" Jiwoo said and I grinned.

"Had a good morning!" I smiled and she rolled her eyes.

"Spare us the sex details-"

"I didn't have sex this morning, Jiwoo! Though, based on Somin's lips, she did!" I said and both girls went red as BM snorted on his, luckily, iced coffee.

"Changbin!" J.Seph laughed and I grinned as the wives gave each other a look.

"I know sex lips, ladies!" I said as BM coughed as he tried to breathe.

"Can we please start the meeting before I die?!" BM laughed and I sighed, the meeting beginning.


I walked into the apartment then slowed as I heard soft music playing. I pulled my shoes off then went further in, my eyes widening as I saw the romantic dinner set up on the coffee table and Felix bent over the coffee table, setting down rose wine and two glasses.

"Oh, hi, baby!" He beamed as he stood and I went to him.

"What's all this?" I asked and he smiled as he hugged my neck.

"Just... felt like doing something for us!" He said and I nodded, holding his waist.

"Is this the night when you propose?" I asked and he laughed, laying his head back from the level of his laughter. I loved to see it.

"No, baby!" He grinned and looked at me, brushing his nose against mine and softly kissing me.

"No, this is just a date night I wanted to do for us!" He said and I nodded, softly kissing him again.

"Let me change really quick then?"

"I laid out your favorite cotton shorts and tank top. The one that says 'big balls bounce'." He said and I grinned.

"I love you, Angel!" I whispered and he smiled, pressing his lips to mine.

"Go, I'll pour the wine!" He said and I nodded, puling myself away from him to go get changed. Once I was in my favorite pajamas, I went to the living room then sat with him on the couch, seeing he had cooked my favorite meal.

"Baby, seriously, what's going on?" I asked and looked at him then he smiled softly.

"I told you-"

"My favorite meal, you laid out my favorite pajamas, brought out the rose wine we almost never touch, and you made a romantic dinner date at home just because?" I asked and he smiled, rolling his lips in as he looked at his lap.

"I knew it, baby! I thought-"

"I got a new job." He said and I frowned as he looked at me.

"A new job? I didn't know you were looking for a new job. What is it?" I asked and saw tears in his eyes then grabbed his hands.


"Changbin, I-I got a job as a kindergarten teacher!" He said and I felt my eyes widen. His dream job, what he's always wanted, but Strickland made impossible for him.

"Ho-how?!" I asked and he laughed softly.

"Seonghwa! He-he put in a good word for me at his daycare and I get to go work with him!" He said and I realized what this was.

"We're celebrating you, but you made my favorites?!" I laughed and he grinned, shaking his head some.

"It's our favorites!" He said and I smiled, leaning forward and softly kissing him.

"I'm so proud of you, baby! My teacher!" I whispered on his lips and he laughed, holding my arms as I kissed him. Finally, we both had our dreams.

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