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"Come on!" I laughed as I held his hand and he smiled, running after me as we went to the group of guys in the grass. When we got close, Wooyoung waved to us and I grinned, stopping and turning to Changbin.

"If you want to go, at any point-"

"I'll tell you." He whispered and I nodded, smiling as I laced my fingers between his and pulled him over to the group.

"Felix!" Jongho, a new student here and a silver tie, cheered then I sat and groaned as Changbin sat a little off to the side, but near me.

"Changbin." Hongjoong called and I tugged Changbin closer, making him scowl as he slid to sit beside me.

"We're sorry about seven months ago-"

"We wanted to be there!" Seonghwa said and Changbin scoffed, but I grabbed his thigh and he looked at my hand then me.

"Changbin, please." I whispered and he sighed, looking at the others, then he licked his lips.

"You left me, didn't listen to me, and gave me the cold shoulder when I came back as a class C!" He said and glared at his friends.

"We know, and we can never make up for it!" Yunho said and I sighed as I watched Changbin contemplate everything.

"We're going on a fieldtrip soon!" I looked at Yeosang then he smiled softly.

"Headmaster Seo is handpicking certain students to go on a trip to Seoul. Apparently, there's a big festival going on, and he wants some of us to go as rewards for being some of the best students-"

"You already know Felix is going!" Mingi laughed, but I shook my head.

"I doubt it!" I said, but everyone argued that. The only thing I wondered is that, if I go, would Changbin go too?


I stared at the ceiling of my dorm, unable to sleep, then I turned and looked at the other two in their bunks to see them sound asleep. I moved to the edge of the bed then looked down to see, shockingly, Chan also passed out. I silently got out of bed then grabbed my phone and snuck from the room, shutting the door as silently as I could. I had to be careful to avoid security, but it was easy since they liked me anyhow. When you bribe people with brownies and cookies, they're willing to let a lot slide. Like you sneaking into the class C wing to bother your friend who is most likely still awake.

"Changbin?" I whispered as I cracked open his door. He had given me his keycode, in case I ever needed his room and he wasn't here, but it looked like he was passed out in bed. I silently went into the room then I shut and locked the door behind me, going to the bed. I set my phone down on the table, putting it on silent, then I pushed the sheer back some and saw Changbin asleep on his side, back to me. I smiled and pulled my slippers off, crawling into the bed and sinking into the fabric. As I did, his head turned, but he smiled as he saw me.

"Felix, you couldn't sleep?" He asked, but I shook my head and snuggled further into his blankets.

"No, I couldn't. Sorry if I woke-"

"I was just falling asleep." He whispered and turned his body to face me, sighing as he got settled.

"Oh." I whispered and looked down some, heat rising to my cheeks as I realized he was shirtless again.

"Cute." I heard and looked at him, his hand coming up and fingers brushing my freckles.

"You... you really like my freckles?" I asked and he nodded, his fingers cupping my jaw as his thumb brushed over my freckles.

"They're cute, and they make you even cuter. I didn't think it was possible for you to get prettier." He said and I smiled.

"Prettier? You think I'm pretty?" I asked and he smirked.

"The prettiest thing I've seen-"

"Have you seen Hyunjin and Yeosang? I think they could give me a run for my money on that-"

"They're not you." He said and I looked at him to see seriousness in his eyes.

"They're model pretty, but you're... you're fairy pretty, fantasy pretty, unworldly beautiful." He softly spoke as his fingers hooked under my chin, pulling me in with very little strength. I easily could pull away if I so desired, but I really didn't so.

"You think so?" I whispered, watching his eyes as my face got closer to his. He softly nodded then, when there was very little space between us, looked into my eyes again.

"Tell me stop, Felix-"

"Never stop." I whispered and his eyes widened slightly, but they slid shut as I closed the gap. His lips were so soft, warm, slightly chapped and tasting of vanilla bean, but they were... You know the stories you hear of the fireworks going off? The stampede of your heart, butterflies in the stomach, fireworks from the perfection of the kiss? Yeah, they are real. I softly moaned as I slid my hand into his hair, his tongue pushing at my lips, then he hugged my waist and pulled me in closer.

"Felix!" He breathed on my lips, pulling me on top of him as he laid on his back, but I quickly silenced him with a kiss again and moved my legs to straddle him. I felt his hands on my sides as I held myself up with hands by his head, trying really hard not to get hard at the amazing feeling of his lips on mine.

"We-we can't!" He breathed and I moved to look at him then he licked his lips.

"I-I mean, I- fuck! You don't deserve me, Felix! I meant like, you deserve better! I'm just an angry ass-"

"Kind, funny, smart, amazing, protective, gorgeous teddy bear who is probably the best thing that has ever walked into my life!" I said and he looked confused, as if he didn't expect that.

"Please, Changbin? Just shut up and kiss me? Let me live in the fantasy a little longer?" I asked and he smiled softly, leaning up to press his lips to mine again. I smiled and pressed him back into the pillows, laying flush on him and his arms wrapping around me like two tree trunks to hold me in place on top of him.

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