I walked into the company then went to pass the desk, but I was called.
"Excuse me!" I heard and turned to the receptionist.
"You can't just-"
"FELIX!" I heard and looked at J.Seph then beamed.
"Tae-Hyung!" I grinned and he came to me, hugging me, before looking at the receptionist.
"See this face? Remember it. He's always welcome. Come on, Changbin is working now." I nodded and we went into the elevator then he sighed.
"So, way we heard it, you couldn't come back." He said and I nodded, looking at the ground.
"Yeah, I-I was stuck." I said and he nodded.
"We're sorry for all the bad shit we-"
"You said bad stuff about me?" I asked and he grinned.
"To Changbin, but we want to apologize to you. Even if you didn't hear it, we judged you and never understood your side." He said and I nodded.
"Come on." I smiled then we got into the studio. In the recording booth, I saw a pretty girl singing and three more on the couch.
"Delivery, Changbin!" J.Seph said and Binnie turned to me then grinned.
"Hi, baby!" He said and I smiled, going to him.
"Brought you lunch that you left on the counter, sweetie." I said and he laughed as he took the bag.
"I knew I forgot something! Thanks, J.Seph!" He said and I waved to the other boy as he left, the three girls watching me as the fourth sang.
"So, what's the project today?" I asked and looked at the girl singing. Damn, she's good.
"Ah, upcoming comeback. Baby, I want you to meet Jisoo, Rose, and Jennie. That's Lisa in there." I waved to the girls and got three smiles, looking back at Lisa.
"She's good." I said and Binnie nodded, holding the side of my thigh.
"Yeah, she is. You didn't just come here for my lunch, did you?" He asked and I looked at him then giggled.
"Caught me!" I grinned and he hummed.
"Mhm, and what are you here to do, Angel?" He asked and I grinned, sitting on the edge of the soundboard as Lisa stepped out of the recording booth.
"Hi!" I waved and she waved back.
"Hi! You must be Felix, his boyfriend!" She said and I nodded.
"Mhm! You're really good!" I said and she beamed.
"Thank you!" She grinned, looking happy with the praise.
"Take a break, ladies." Changbin said and they nodded, leaving the studio. Once they were gone, I shut the door behind them and went to Changbin, who was smirking.
"Baby, why are you really here?" He asked and I grinned, climbing into his lap.
"I missed you!" I said and hugged his neck, his hands settling on my hips.
"I know, but they're comeback is approaching and-"
"You're busy, I know! I'm trying to understand, because this is your dream-"
"Hey, you're my dream too!" He said and slid his hands to the small of my back.
"I'm your dream?" I asked and he nodded, smiling at me.
"Yes, Sunshine!" He breathed and I smiled, leaning down and softly kissing him.
"I love you, Felix!" He softly spoke and I nodded, laying my head on his.

You Saved Me
Roman d'amourThanks to a prank, Lee "Felix" Yongbok gets sent to the Strickland Academy for Boys. Basically, prison college for troubled boys. There, he meets six boys that become close friends with a big warning. "Stay away from Seo Changbin." Does Felix listen...