Thirty Five

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"Do you have them?"

"Yes, Pops!" I laughed as he fixed my tie then he sighed, giving me a look.

"I did not take a week off of work for you to fumble this!"

"Seok-Woo, please!" Dad said and came over, setting a hand on my back.

"We're proud of you, Changbin." Dad said as Pops let me go then I smiled.

"You're really okay?" I asked and they nodded.

"You did good, son." Pops said and smiled.

"When Soo called me to tell me you'd been arrested and what you were arrested for, I was furious. Then I heard about the reputation of the student you'd killed and made it my mission to find out the truth. During that time, Soo often told me how worried he was about you, as you'd pulled in on yourself. Then he told me about an interesting platinum blonde with blue contacts you seemed to favor." Pops said and grabbed my shoulder, smiling down at me.

"We were worried for a time, and I told your father not to get involved-"

"You know me so well!" Dad said and I laughed at him, smiling at my dads.

"Though, I will admit, I'm glad he got involved." Pops said and I eyed him.

"What?" I asked, but Pops shook his head.

"Felix was supposed to leave the school two weeks earlier than he had, but your father kept him at the school because he wanted to give you both a chance. Now? I'm glad he kept him here." Pops said and I smiled as I nodded.

"Here, Changbin." I took the velvet box from dad then opened it, smiling softly at the diamond and topaz ring.

"Do us proud-"

"As long as I don't knock Felix into the Han River, dad, I doubt I can top your proposal!" I said and dad grinned.

"I was not expecting to swim that night!" Pops said and I grinned.

"I was nervous! Things were a lot different back then!" Dad argued and I smiled as I saw Pops lean over, softly kissing dad. While not overly expressive of their relationship, it was still sweet to see moments like this.

"And yet, here we are twenty seven years later-"

"I thought it was twenty six?" I asked, but they both rolled their eyes at me.

"God, you can't count! I blame your father for that-"

"I blame you!" Dad accused Pops, but I grinned and shook my head.

"Can we go to the dance before my boyfriend thinks I abandoned him?" I asked and they grinned, leading me out of dad's suite. As they went to the dance, I went to get Felix and saw Chan, Lino, Seungmin, Mingi, Yunho, Jongho, and San here as well.

"Are they really getting ready together?" I snorted and San nodded.

"Hey, you seem... nervous." Yunho said and I looked at him then shook my head. Only my dads knew what I was planning tonight, and Hyunjin because his hand size was the closest to Felix's and I needed a ring size.

"I'm fine." I said and cleared my throat as Chan knocked on the door.

"We're here, guys!" He called and I heard Wooyoung yelp.



"I take offense to that!"

"Would you two shut the hell up before I strangle you with my goddamn tie?!" I heard Felix growl and felt my eyes widen.

"Felix is... in a mood!" Mingi said and I nodded.

"Sorry, Felix-"

"Wooyoung, open your mouth one more time and San will never get another blowjob!" Felix snapped and I saw San's eyes widen then rolled my lips in to keep from laughing at that threat.

"What the hell is up with Felix?" Lino asked, but I shook my head.

"Are we ignoring Wooyoung's comment about the dress?" Seungmin asked and Jongho sighed dreamily.

"Yeosang is so pretty in dresses!"

"Well, considering he was your awakening, I can see it." I said and leaned on the wall, my arms across my chest.

"You guys almost ready?!" Chan called again then the door opened and Wooyoung's head popped out.

"Changbin, get in here! We need your help!" He said and I frowned, but went in and saw everyone dressed. For the most part.

"We can't get Yeosang's corset closed!" Seonghwa said as he tried to pull it shut, but I was busy staring at Felix. He was in a black suit, his hair in a half ponytail, and he had on a black tie. The special part? He had put in some pretty hazel contacts, had on light makeup over his freckles so they were still visible, and had on dark eye makeup to bring out his eyes. In his ears, he had earrings in each hole and I saw the gold chain around his neck as he adjusted his collar. Then he looked at me and softly smiled, the anger vanishing from his eyes.

"Dear god, stop drooling and help!" Seonghwa said and I looked at him, seeing he was in a pretty floor length dark red dress and was trying to close Yeosang's dress.

"Move." I ordered and went over, grabbing the strings.

"It's not shutting!" Innie complained, but I scoffed.

"Because it's laced wrong!" I said and Yeosang looked at me over his shoulder.

"How do you know?" Han asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Have any of you met Jiwoo and Somin? Those two live in corsets. Matt, Tae-Hyung, and I had to learn how to lace and unlace them because of that!" I said and quickly fixed Yeosang's dress, tying it shut.

"Can you breathe?" I asked and he nodded, but I frowned as I saw his quick breaths.


"It's a little tight." He admitted and I nodded.

"Should have just said so." I said and loosened the dress some so he was comfortable. As I tied it with a beautiful bow at the bottom, I felt eyes on me, but I tucked the strings into his dress and zipped it.

"There." I stepped back and saw Yeosang in a pretty silver dress with matching makeup and accessories, but I couldn't tell if the genderfluid twins were in heels or not.

"Nice." Hongjoong said and I sighed.

"Anyone else need dressing help?" I asked, but everyone shook their heads.

"Baby, can you help? My earring is falling out." I went to Felix then took his earring, seeing his soft smile as I slid the ring into his ear and fixed it for him.

"There you go." He smiled and nodded some then I grabbed his hand, kissing his knuckles.

"Let's go, my dads are waiting." I said and he nodded, lacing his fingers with mine.

"See you guys out there." I waved and everyone waved back then I opened the door, letting Felix out. As he walked out, the other seven eyed us, but I smiled.

"Well?" Chan asked and I snorted.

"They're coming." I said and set my hand on the small of Felix's back, leading him to the dining hall where the dance was being held.

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