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I slid the contacts in then sighed as I blinked, shaking my head some.

"Felix, let's go!" I heard and huffed. I went to my bedroom then went to my closet, opening the door and grabbing the suit. As I got myself together, I heard my mom stomping up the steps and frowned.

"If we're late-"

"Almost done, mom!" I said and she stopped, huffing as she came over and fixed my tie that I was struggling with.

"Mom, it'll be alright." I whispered and she looked at me then glared.

"Let's just go, Yongbok." Ouch. She hadn't called me my dead name in a long time. It's my dead name because my dad called me that, then he left us in a pretty bad situation and an even worse way, so I started going by my English name because I couldn't stand the name my father gave me.

"Coming." I whispered and went downstairs to my sisters, but they looked sad too. If things went well, I'd maybe at most get two months in jail. I hoped.

"We're going to be late." Olivia said and we left the house, going to the car and going to the courthouse. When we got there, they had a translator for us which I was thankful for as I barely understood Korean still. Well, barely spoke it, but I could understand enough.

"All rise for Judge Song." I heard and looked up, eyeing the man that came in. We stood then I glanced at my friends as the judge eyed us.

"Today, our case is against Min Jong Hyun, Baek Young Joon, Kyung Seok, and Lee Yongbok for..." The judge looked at his file, refreshing his memory probably, but he sighed as he looked at us.

"You threw firecrackers in the girls' locker room at your school?"

"Judge Song, we would like to appeal for a lesser sentencing on Lee Yongbok's part." The lawyer said and the judge frowned.

"Why?" He asked and looked at the lawyer that was representing the school as the man stood.

"While he was there when the actions took place, he saved the life of three girls and one of the coaches." The lawyer said and the judge looked at us.

"Which one of you is Lee Yongbok?" I scowled some but put my hand up and he nodded.

"Let's see how this plays out, we'll see." He said and I nodded, my friends glaring at me. As the trial progressed, my friends got increasingly pissed by the number of testimonies against them. They were the "class clowns", but this prank had gone too far.

"Mr. Lee, we understand you've just transferred to the school?" I looked at the judge then nodded.

"Four months ago, Judge Song." I said and he nodded, looking at his file.

"Min Jong Hyun, you will receive three years in prison for..." He kept going, saying the punishments for all of my friends, then he got to me.

"Lee 'Felix' Yongbok." He said then I stood beside the lawyer, my palms clammy and my heart pounding.

"You saved the lives of three classmates, one of your coaches, and you yourself fought the fire when you realized how bad it was. Because of your heroic actions, you will be sentenced to finish out college at the Strickland Boys Academy in the Sobaek Mountains. As so, you will serve three years there and you will only return for the scheduled breaks like Winter, Summer, and Spring break." He said and I heard my mother let out a breath behind me, but I bowed my head.

"Thank you, Judge Song." I said and looked at him, his gavel dropping.

"YOU BITCH!" I heard and jumped as Young Joon ran at me, but the cops here grabbed him and held him back.

"You are just as guilty as us, Yongbok!" I heard him yell, but I had to remind myself to ignore him. He was pissed he was going to prison for five years for even getting the fireworks and being the mastermind of this prank.


I eyed the mountains as mom drove, my head on the window and earbuds in my ears, but I was... I don't know, not really sad to go to this school, just sad to be away from Seoul. I'd come to love it the last four and a half months I'd lived here, so it hurt to leave. I turned my head as I felt someone tap on my arm then I pulled my earbud out and turned, smiling at mom.

"We have to stop in town, sweetheart. I have to get gas and directions." She said and I nodded.

"Okay." I smiled then we got to the little town outside the Academy, Sobaek Village, and she went to the town's only gas station. As she got out to get gas, I got out to go find a damn bathroom and walked into the little store.

"Hi, bathroom?" I asked and the old man behind the counter pointed to a back corner, and I nodded. I went to the bathroom, passing a group of guys in the soda aisle, then I went to the door and sighed. As I looked at the little light by the door, I saw it was green, so I opened the door. Nope, not empty!

"Shit, sorry!" I told the couple in there and shut the door, quickly looking down. I licked my lips, trying to figure out if I really did just see two guys in the middle of a blowjob, then I left the store. As I quickly got back into the car, I saw mom waiting and she smiled.

"Find a bathroom?" She asked and I nodded, looking out the window to see those guys from the bathroom coming out with that group from the aisle. Course the couple was bright red, but their friends seemed to love that they were caught.

"Let's go, mom." I rushed and she sighed.

"Calm down, I'm trying to-"

"There's a sign, just go!" I said and she saw the sign then smiled, leaving the gas station. As we drove to the academy, I couldn't stop thinking of those two guys. Seriously? A small town like this? I'd think the town would hate those two, and to be so open like that? But they looked around my age, so maybe they're academy students?

"Felix?" I jumped and looked at mom then smiled.

"I'm glad you are coming here." She said and I nodded.

"Me too, mom." I smiled and looked at the Academy as we pulled up. God, could it look anymore stereotypical horror boarding academy?

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