Thirty Six

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Something was up with Changbin. All night, he'd been wringing his fingers together and glancing at his dads. I had tried to pull one of them aside, ask what the deal was, but none of the Seo boys were telling me anything.

"Dwaekki, can we dance?" I asked and he looked at me then nodded, taking my hand. As we went to the dancefloor, I felt his hand tighten on mine then he held my waist and I held his shoulder.

"Hey, what's going on with you tonight?" I asked and he looked at me then shook his head.

"Nothing, Sunshine-"

"Changbin!" I tried to argue, but he smiled.

"Just my first dance since the black tie thing." He said and I nodded, stepping in closer as I held him.

"Well, now, you're not a student. So, don't be so nervous." I said and he nodded, holding me close as we danced together. I'd catch little glimpses of the others, but I was always amazed as I saw Yunho and Seonghwa together. God, I loved Yeosang's dress, but I was partial to red after Changbin said I looked best in red and Seonghwa certainly did too.

"They look good together." I said and Changbin looked over at Yunho and Seonghwa.

"Yeah, they do." He said and looked at me.


"I look best?" I asked and he grinned.

"You always look best in my book, Felix." He said and softly kissed me.

"Ahem. May I cut in?" I looked over at Seok-Woo then Changbin smirked.

"Of course, old man-"

"Watch it!" Seok-Woo teasingly warned and Changbin left me, letting me dance with his dad. Which was a bit weird, but whatever.

"He loves you." Seok-Woo said as we danced at a respectable distance and I nodded.

"I love him too." I said and he smiled.

"Good. I don't like seeing my son hurt, Lee Yongbok." He said and I knew this was that type of serious conversation.

"I never intend to hurt him-"

"Again." He said and I frowned up at him.

"He called me the night you left him when you thought he'd been cheating on you. I'll admit, it made sense when he explained it how you explained it to him, but I thought you knew my son better-"

"I was still recovering, Seok-Woo. If you knew what happened between us here, you know I had just returned from Sydney where my father beat me for three years." I said and Seok-Woo nodded.

"I know, Felix." He said and I smiled softly.

"What that man did, he has a special place in hell just for him. That's why, one day, I hope to welcome you to the family." He said as the song ended and he let me go, stepped back, and bowed his head.

"It was lovely dancing with you." He said and I nodded, going back to Changbin, who was sitting at the large table for all of us where our friends who weren't dancing sat.

"Hey, Angel!" Changbin grinned and I smiled as I sat beside him.

"Hi, Dwaekki."

"Enjoy dancing with Mr. Seo?" Yeosang asked as he hung off Jongho's arm and I smiled.

"He's a good dancer, but not Changbin." I said and the table laughed some.

"Hey, can we go somewhere?" Changbin whispered to me and I looked at him then nodded. We stood and left the dining hall then he took me outside and I smiled as we got to the garden, my smile falling some as I saw the fountain we were approaching. The one I hadn't been to since the day I met Changbin.

"Binnie?" I asked as he let my hand go. I slowed to a stop, but he kept walking and sighed as he stopped five or so feet from me.

"We met here, four years ago." He laughed and turned to me, giving me a sad smile.

"All cause I found some guys trying to kill the pretty blonde who had caught my eye." He said and I frowned.

"I-I caught your eye?" I asked and he nodded, licking his lips as he turned to face me completely.

"When you got dropped off at the school, I was in the courtyard and I saw you. I was instantly intrigued, almost immediately asked my dad about you, and I kept my eyes on you. That's how I was here that day, I was being a creep." He laughed and I smiled softly.

"Well, your creeping paid off." I said and he nodded, clearing his throat as he pushed his hands into his pockets.

"I know this fountain has bad memories for you, and I hate that you have a part of Strickland that terrifies you. Probably as much as your dad does. So, I brought you here to give you a better memory." He said and pulled his hands from his pockets. He slowly came over then I felt my eyes widen as he slowly went down on one knee, smiling at me as he opened a black ring box and I saw a gorgeous topaz and diamond band inside.

"I-I know I can't top my dad pushing Pops into the Han the night he proposed, but I know that Strickland is special to us both, just as the Han is special to them. So, I uh... Sorry, I'm nervous!" He laughed and I smiled as I felt tears wet my eyes, but I swallowed hard. I refused to ruin this by crying. And I'm almost positive our friends are out here somewhere taking video or photos and I refuse to have crying Felix proposal photos.

"You're the best thing to ever happen to me, Felix, and I can't imagine my life without you. It's only been four years, I know that, but- Hell, my parents were dating six months, so we at least have that on them!" He said and I laughed as I brought my hand up, pushing my tears off my cheeks.

"I suppose we do!" I grinned and he licked his lips, pulling the ring from the box and pocketing the box as he held my left hand and the ring.

"Lee Felix, my Sunshine, will you do me the greatest honor in the world and marry me?" He whispered and I grinned, nodding as I tried super hard not to cry.

"Yes?!" He breathed and I nodded as he stood.

"Yes!" I laughed and he kissed me, holding me close. I softly whined on his lips, hugging him tightly, then I let go and he slid the ring onto my finger.

"YES!" I heard Wooyoung and laughed, turning my head to see our friends coming over with Changbin's dads.

"I knew it!" I laughed and Changbin chuckled.

"Felix." I looked at Seok-Woo then he smiled as he set a hand on my shoulder.

"Welcome to the Seo family."

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