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"WooSan, are you really that tired?" I laughed as we got off the bus, finally back home, but Wooyoung pouted.

"San wouldn't let me go all-"

"Felix." The four of us stopped then I looked over and saw Headmaster Seo there.

"Headmaster? Is everything-"

"I need you to come with me." He said and I frowned, but Changbin set a hand on my back.

"It's alright. I'll take your bag to your dorm." I nodded then he took my bag and I went to Headmaster Seo, going with him to his office. When I walked in, I felt my stomach drop as I saw Rachel there with Olivia.

"Ra-Rachel, Olivia?" I whispered, going to them, but my younger sister immediately wrapped her arms around me and started to cry.

"What-what's going on?!" I asked and looked at the headmaster.

"There was an accident, Felix. Your-your mother barely made it, she's currently in the ICU. You're being released from Strickland Academy to return home, as your sentence was also overturned by Judge Song due to the new case." Headmaster Seo said, but I shook my head.

"Ho-home? Mom?" I tried to process, but I looked at Rachel and she shook her head.

"We're going to Australia, Felix, we're going home!" She said and I looked at Olivia then took a deep breath.

"Why was mom-"

"She was there finalizing things with dad." Rachel, the most coherent of us, said and I nodded.

"Please go pack your things that you need now, Felix, we will send the rest of it to your address when you have one." Headmaster Seo said and I nodded, getting Olivia to let me go.

"Olivia, stay here with Rachel! I'll be right back, just stay here!" I said and she nodded then I turned, leaving and going to my dorm. As I opened the door, my heart clenched when I saw the six laughing, joyous faces of my friends and my boyfriend. Fuck, my boyfriend! Right as I find someone I really care about, I'm taken from him!

"Felix!" Innie saw me then everyone looked over, but Changbin's face dropped as he saw me.

"Felix, what's wrong?" He asked and came over, grabbing my arm. The second he touched me, reality hit and I felt the lump form in my throat.

"I-I'm leaving." I whispered and he frowned.

"Get in here, Felix." He said and pulled me into the dorm, shutting the door.

"What do you mean you're leaving?!" Han asked as he stood from Lino's lap, but I shook my head.

"I- my sentence got-got overturned, I-I get to come home. My-my mom is..." I trailed, not really sure what was going on.

"Felix, what happened with your mom?" Changbin asked and I looked at him, silent tears falling down my cheeks.

"My mom got into an accident, it-it's not good!" I whispered and his eyes widened.

"But-but you're just going to-to Seoul, right?!" Hyunjin asked, but I shook my head as I looked at them.

"Au-Australia, home!" I whispered and saw their faces drop as they understood.

"So you're just going?!" Lino asked and I looked at him confused.


"No! No, we- I get your mom is in the hospital, go to her, but you could choose to come back here, Felix! You can choose to come back, and you're obviously not going to-"

"Minho, stop!" Chan ordered and the room got silent again as Lino glared at the eldest.

"His mother is probably dying, he has to go see her! If he chooses to come back, he does! If not, we still have our phones! Our friendship isn't just Strickland! We all made a promise, remember?! We're friends outside of Strickland too, and he needs to go!" Chan said and looked at me.

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